How to Remain Active During the Colder Weather Months of the Year

shutterstock_97504103-900x597It’s just as important to remain active during the colder weather months of the year as it is the warmer ones. That’s why it’s important to have a plan once the weather changes so that you don’t become sedentary. Having a plan of action for colder weather months helps you achieve fitness success faster.

Here’s what you can do to stay fit during fall and winter:

  1. Exercise indoors. If it’s too cold outside to work out, make sure you do some sort of physical activity indoors. There are walking programs that you can do from the convenience of your own living room. You could also do yoga, ride a stationary bike, and even swim if you have an indoor pool.
  2. Bundle up and get outdoors. Put on the layers and get outside for some heart pumping fun. You can walk, hike, bike, run, skate, ski, and even geocache with your family. If you have children, hunting caches is a great way to get in some much needed exercise after sitting for a while.
  3. Make sure to get some sunshine. In the colder weather months of the year, there are only 9 hours of sunshine. That’s why so many people get the ‘winter blues’. Try to make it a point to get outside even if it’s only for a brief amount of time. It’s how you get Vitamin D which is essential for your bones.shutterstock_125411387

Part of staying healthy and on track with your fitness goals is being well prepared. Stock up on CoQ10 and improve your heart health right away. Not only will you feel more energetic during the long days of fall and winter, you’ll also age slower and feel more aware, too. The ‘Miracle Supplement’ is one that affects your body’s cells and causes you to feel better even when it’s cold outside.

Tips for Building Muscle Fast

When working out, you need to be mindful about building muscle. You may not see much of a difference on the scale if you’re burning fat and putting on muscle mass. Understand that it’s a process but one that will pay off in the long run. That’s why it’s important to keep in mind what types of exercises help you lose weight and which ones strengthen and tone your body.

Here are some tips for building muscle fast:

  • Start lifting weights. Find a personal trainer who is willing to work with you. They’ll be able to provide you with muscle-building exercises that are right for your body type, age, and activity level. Make sure to ask a lot of questions so that you know what to do when you’re lifting alone.
  • Eat carbs following a workout. Carbs are what give you energy throughout the day. Make sure that you include plenty of carbohydrates in your diet so that you don’t have to dip into your proteins to keep you going. The more carbs you eat, the longer your body stays in an anabolic state.
  • Include a lot of protein in your diet. Muscle is made of protein, and protein is needed to keep your muscles in good shape. Keep in mind that if you’re planning on bodybuilding, you’ll need one to two grams of protein for every pound of weight on your body. If you’re 200 pounds, you’ll need at least 200 grams of protein a day.
  • Eat often. Now that you’re burning more calories, you’re going to need to consume more calories, too. Break down your 4,000 calorie daily limit into six meals and you have approximately 660 calories per meal to work with.
  • Use Nitric Oxide Booster daily. Increase strength, reduce recovery time, and build muscle by adding our product to your diet. You’ll benefit from using it regularly and it will help you inside and outside the gym.

Now that you know what to do to build muscle fast, you can start working on your physique. It’s not all about lifting weights. There are other ways to build muscle quickly as mentioned above.

Here are Some Ways to Boost Your Immune System

The body’s immune system consists of cells, tissues, and organs that work together harmoniously to protect you from illness and disease. Considered your greatest defense mechanism against infections and other intruders, it can be weakened by stress, dehydration, and poor diet. Some symptoms of a weak immune system include cravings for sweets, catching colds easily, and feeling tired or rundown.

A few of the ways that you boost your immune system is by:

  • Not smoking. Smoking increases the amount and severity of respiratory infections including pneumonia and bronchitis. If you have no idea how to give up tobacco, see if your employer has a smoking cessation program you can join.
  • Eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables. Kiwifruit, blueberries, papayas, and grapefruit are among the foods you should eat if you want a strong immune system. So are carrots, cauliflower, mushrooms, and kale.
  • Moving your body. Exercise is your body’s greatest defense against disease. When paired with a healthy, immune-boosting diet, it’s unstoppable!
  • Maintaining a healthy weight. When your body is working optimally, it stands a better chance of fighting off illness and disease. Even carrying a few extra pounds on your body can increase your risk for diabetes and other diseases.
  • Taking a supplement. The Immune System Power Boost contains the vitamins, natural botanicals, and antioxidants needed to help you feel your best. The herbal formula is precisely what you need to further your efforts to boost your immune system quickly and effectively.

Strengthen your immune system and experience fewer instances of illness and absences from work or school. Take time to protect yourself from colds and viruses throughout the year. Take the advice listed above and give your immune system the boost that it needs to remain healthy today. By not smoking, eating a healthy and varied diet, exercising and maintaining a healthy weight, and taking a supplement, you strengthen your immune system successfully.

The Importance of Taking a Prenatal Vitamin While Pregnant

If you’re pregnant, congratulations! What a joy it is to bring a life into this world. If you haven’t had the experience before, you’re in for an exciting journey. That’s why it’s important to maintain your health and the health of your unborn child throughout the next nine months.

You’ll want to do everything you can to get good nutrition, enough exercise, and adequate rest. Adding a good prenatal vitamin to your daily diet provides you with a rich source of folic acid which helps your baby grow and develop. It also contains calcium (which helps the child’s teeth and bones to form), zinc, iron, and Vitamin D3.

The reason why folic acid is so important for newborns is that it prevents birth defects. The B vitamin is often oxidized which is why it’s not found in forms of fresh foods. If your diet is lacking folate, you’ll need to take a supplement right away. It ensures that you get the proper amount of folic acid needed for a safe pregnancy.

The recommended daily dose of folate is 0.4 mg for women of childbearing age. The CDC notes that women between the ages of 15 to 45 often experience unplanned pregnancies which is why they need folic acid in their diet. The centers also state that women who take folic acid prior to getting pregnant and during their first trimester reduce the risk of neural tube defects which affect the development of the baby’s spine by up to 70%.

If you aren’t already pregnant but consider carrying a child one day, start taking a supplement now and reduce the risk of birth defects. It’s something you can easily do right away. Prenatal Plus is easy to take, is made in the USA, and safe to use even after the baby is born and you are breastfeeding. Having a supplement that you can trust is essential during the months you spend pregnant and nursing your child. Your sources of nourishment are theirs, too.

Experience Greater Happiness by Slowing Down the Speed of Life

In today’s fast-paced society, you either adapt to the speed in which others live or get out of the way. For most, this means filling your schedule from morning, noon, and night with a frenzy of activity. Your To Do List increases in length at any given moment, leaving you feeling tired, confused, and depressed. It’s not the best approach to life by any means but it’s all you know.

If you’re caught up in the busyness of day-to-day living, it’s time to ask yourself what you’re trying to accomplish. If you’re spinning your wheels to avoid feeling bored, ask yourself what you’d do with a few extra hours each day. What could you do to give your life a greater feeling of satisfaction?

By slowing down and making time for the things that really matter in life, you gain a better sense of self and accomplishment. You feel less stress and more joy. If you’re the type of person who overcommits and runs from one appointment to the next with reckless abandon, it’s time to think about how that affects your health and overall well-being.

Stress can be avoided by making time to take care of yourself. That means giving yourself adequate time to rest and relax. It may mean giving up one or two activities a week but it ensures that you’ll be happier and healthier because of your decision.

One of the ways you can prevent yourself from feeling rundown is to include a spirulina supplement as part of your daily routine. Packed with powerful antioxidants, this superfood is one rich with vitamins, minerals, and even protein. If you want to avoid the tired feeling you get from having too much to do, make sure that you take the recommended serving amount while continuing to slow down the number of activities you take on in a given day.

Five Ways to Increase Your Happiness and General Well-Being

Happier people do things differently. That’s why they’re able to maintain a positive attitude no matter what life throws at them. If you could use some more feel-good opportunities in your day, you’ve got to first change your habits and perspective. Remember, that no matter how out of control things might seem, how you choose to react to them is completely your choice.

Here are five ways to feel happier and more satisfied with your life:

  1. Count your blessings. Upon getting out of bed in the morning, name five things you’re grateful for. It could be the running water of your shower, the nourishing breakfast you’ve eaten or the time you have before work to spend with your spouse, children, and pets.
  2. Treat others like you’d like to be treated. Always choose kindness over being right. Give other people the benefit of the doubt when they appear rude or distracted because you have no idea what their day has been like.
  3. Take good care of your physical and mental self. Eat healthy foods, exercise as often as you can, spend time with the people you care about most, and make sure that you take your supplements regularly. This will keep you physically and mentally strong.
  4. See challenges as opportunities. Find a way to turn a situation around quickly by accepting obstacles as challenges. See it as an opportunity for greatness.
  5. Know that the past and future aren’t what matters. Focus on today and more importantly, this minute. It’s the most important moment right now.

Happiness is a state of mind but there are things you can do to increase the good feelings you have about your life. The tips listed above serve as a reminder that good mental health is every bit as important as good physical health. If you haven’t yet had the opportunity to try one of the suggestions out, why not make today the day that you change that?