Become a Better Listener: Active Listening

The Wisdom of Abraham Lincoln

The wisdom of Abraham Lincoln should never be overlooked. When anyone asks me who I admire most, my answer is always Lincoln. What a man born to a destiny and a time!

“And in the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the LIFE in your years”

This quote speaks to us about living our years with the BEST HEALTH possible.

I was having a discussion with a friend just today about who knows best what to give our bodies–the doctor who we see twice a year and who knows us by a name in a folder–or US–who live in our bodies everyday and know what it needs.

Sometimes I balk at taking my supplements in the morning–a regime I’ve been doing for 30 years now. And every once in awhile I review the list again–to see if there’s any I’m willing to part with. I always come up with the same answer–NO WAY! I intend on living a healthy fulfilled life so which one of these body enhancing supplements am I willing to stop?

Continue reading The Wisdom of Abraham Lincoln

Jan 30 Accentuate the POSITIVE….Eliminate the NEGATIVE!

In a hit song from 1944 made popular by Bing Crosby, the Johnny Mercer lyrics told us to….

“Accentuate the positive
Eliminate the negative
Latch on to the affirmative
Don’t mess with Mister In-Between”

There is nothing more dangerous or destructive than a life of NEGATIVE thinking.

Negative attitudes and remarks are the first sign of a “toxic” person. When you meet someone who always has an opinion, who continually makes excuses, finds fault, places blame and almost rejoices in telling you all the reasons why something ‘won’t work’–you should avoid these people like the plague.

There is nothing ‘realistic’ or ‘noble’ about being negative. These folks will try to convince you that they’re just ‘realists’ ….they help you keep your feet on the ground and your head out of the clouds. Don’t believe them. In fact, take a good hard look at them. What kind of lives are they living? Do they have great relationships? Are they healthy? Do they smile and live with a sense of joy and enthusiasm? I can answer that for you….NO!

Whatever you do, do not allow these ‘DREAM SQUASHERS’ –toxic negative people–to influence your life.

Continue reading Jan 30 Accentuate the POSITIVE….Eliminate the NEGATIVE!

Your Miracle Moments are Waiting for You Now!

There’s a simple story in the Bible that best illustrates what a Miracle Moment really is.

Peter asked Jesus to allow him to step out of the boat and join him by walking on the water.


In those few short moments, Peter taught us a lesson that holds within it the SECRET toall success in life.

Let’s look at what happened.

Peter saw Jesus standing out on the lake. He thought it was totally cool that Jesus could do that and he wanted to do it, too. (He KNEW what he wanted!)

I imagine that in the few moments preceding his request to Jesus, that Peter envisioned himself walking across the lake. He could see himself standing out there next to Jesus–defying all sense of reality or what was “possible”. (He created a VISION in his mind.)

When he asked Jesus to call him over there, he was making a bold statement of FAITH. He believed it was possible.

At the same time I imagine that the other guys in the boat with Peter had a few remarks to make of their own (even if they were made quietly). Peter chose to ignore the NEGATIVE and envision the positive outcome.

So what happened? Peter stepped out of the boat, started walking on the water and within a short time, sank.

Continue reading Your Miracle Moments are Waiting for You Now!

What You Think About You Bring About

You must guard your mind from negative thoughts and emotions.You are in control of your thoughts. You can put a stop to a negative thought the moment it enters your mind. Is this easy? No, but it is absolutely critical to your ultimate success.

One effective tool for you to use is to REPLACE worry with a positive vision. Worry brings fear, nervousness and frustration. It distracts us and keeps us from operating at our optimum level.

Worry stems from FEAR. And in 90% of all cases, FEAR is negative. Yes, there are times when fear can be healthy–like choosing not to walk too close to the edge of a cliff. But for the most part, FEAR is nothing more than FALSE EVIDENCE APPEARING REAL (F.E.A.R).

The problem with allowing your mind to obsess and worry over something you fear is that by doing so you can actually manifest the very thing you fear into your reality. Remember, our subconscious mind works hard to bring about the thoughts we focus on the most.

So here’s the plan: when you start to worry over something, instead of doing what most people do and imagining the worst possible scenario as being inevitable, begin to imagine that BEST possible outcome you can think of. Instead of obsessing over “what could or might” happen that is bad, begin to vividly imagine that what WILL happen is a good and positive outcome. If you’ll do this, I guarantee that you’ll begin to see GOOD things happen and you’ll eliminate the bad.


Continue reading What You Think About You Bring About

How to Bloom Where You Are Planted

We can’t always choose the cards we have been dealt, but we can learn to play them. Like a flower that grows through a crack in the concrete, sometimes we have to make the best of our situations and bloom where we have been planted.

You may not be where you want to be in life just yet. You may be working a day job that is not your passion and working on your dream through the night.

Keeping our dreams alive is what uplifts the human spirit. But how can we deal with the fact that sometimes we may have to tolerate something that we do not like to eventually get to where we want to be?

Not everyone can quit their jobs and follow a dream. Sometimes our dreams take time. So instead of getting bitter and upset at your situation, why not try blooming where you have been planted?

Here is how I think we can do that and why it makes a difference:

1) Every step in life prepares you for the next one

You may not realize it, but where you are now is providing you with vital life lessons for your next adventure.

When late producer, director, author and screenwriter Michael Crichton was interviewed about how his training as a physician helped him to be a writer, he said this:


Continue reading How to Bloom Where You Are Planted

Lower Your Cholesterol Naturally and Easily


There are two types of cholesterol in the body. The first, HDL, is good. The second, LDL, is linked to a higher risk of heart disease because it clogs and hardens arteries. Cholesterol is found in many animal-based foods like egg yolks and shrimp. To truly understand cholesterol and how it affects the body, you’ll want to study the subject further.

For now, there are some things you can do to prevent high cholesterol. Diet and exercise are key. So are the supplements you opt to take. If you don’t know much about controlling cholesterol, you’re not alone.

That’s why we’re addressing the subject today. It’s important because it’s something you need to know to remain healthy. A little knowledge and prevention can save your life. You’re off to a great start if you’re reading this now.

Here are some ways to lower your cholesterol naturally:

  • Eat a varied diet. The following foods are considered “helpers” when it comes to cholesterol. Eat your fill of pulses such as beans, lentils, peas, and chickpeas. Nosh on avocado, oats, and almonds, too. Sip green tea throughout the day instead of coffee and watch your cholesterol levels lower significantly.
  • Weight training and burst training are great for lowering LDL cholesterol. That’s because both boost the human growth hormone. Keep in shape by aiming to exercise several times a week for optimal health.
  • Take a supplement. Our all-natural Cholesterol Support supplement is safe to take daily. It helps support healthy cholesterol and immune system levels and contains ingredients such as Niacin, Plant Sterols, Cayenne herb powder, and Policosanol which help keep your cholesterol in check.

Take control of your cholesterol. Increase the good and eliminate the bad by following the tips listed above. You’ll be glad that you took the time to read this blog and visit our website. The more you know about your health, the better prepared you are to take good care of it.

Read more about UltaLife’s Cholesterol Supplement by CLICKING HERE

What Makes Green Tea Great for Weight Loss?


shutterstock_272297264If you’ve heard the news about green tea and weight loss, you probably wonder what it’s all about. How can the leaves from a plant help burn fat? Green tea has been helping support healthy metabolism for centuries. Packed with polyphenols, which have strong antioxidant properties, the extract is widely used across the world to accelerate weight loss.

What Antioxidants Do

Antioxidants protect against free radicals which are often the cause of a number of diseases such as cancer. Including foods and supplements which are rich in antioxidants helps protect your body from illness. According to the experts, not one single source of antioxidant fully prevents disease so it’s advisable to supplement your diet with products such as Green Tea Leaf Extract for optimal results.

Why Green Tea Leaf Extract?

Researchers note that green tea has caffeine in it but not as much as coffee. It provides a boost in brain function, improves mood, and even helps with reaction time and memory in some cases. Best of all, it doesn’t make a person feel jittery or wired the way that other caffeinated substances do.

Boosting the Metabolic Rate of Men and Women

Green tea is great for boosting the metabolic rate in trials and helps with weight loss. People who take Green Tea Leaf Extract may exhibit weight loss. They may notice a shutterstock_159709571difference in the amount of energy they have, too, making the supplement valuable to have a supply of.

Get your hands on a bottle of Green Tea Leaf Extract and notice a true difference in how you look and feel. Just one easy-to-swallow capsule taken one to two times a day provides you with 70% polyphenols which protects against diseases. For maximum antioxidant support, make taking Green Tea Leaf Extract part of your daily routine.

CLICK HERE to check out UltaLife’s Green Tea Leaf Extract.

Bad Mood Buster Burns Fat

WHAT IS 5-HTP? 5 HTP is a natural mood enhancer that helps you naturally feel good. 5 HTP is a building block of serotonin, the “feel good” neurotransmitter that regulates our moods, sleep cycles and even how we respond to pain. 5 HTP is an amino acid derived from the seeds of the African plant Griffonia Simplicifolia which naturally helps regulate mood swings, ease anxiety & stress, improves sleep patterns, helps emotional eating and many find it helps to ease painful headaches and fibromyalgia, too. UltaLife’s 5-HTP Formula is a your all-natural, non-habit forming bad mood buster that’s safe and effective for daily use.

I used to think 5 HTP was used just for weight control until I began doing some research and even reading reviews for UltaLIfe’s 5 HTP. WOW! It is so much more than just a weight control supplement. The Amazon Reviews are fantastic. 5 STARS is the highest rating. The average for our 5 HTP is 4.7!! Can’t get much better than that! Check it out for yourself!!
“5-HTP works in the brain and central nervous system by increasing the production of the chemical serotonin. Serotonin can affect sleep, appetite, temperature, sexual behavior, and pain sensation. Since 5-HTP increases the synthesis of serotonin, it is used for several diseases where serotonin is believed to play an important role including depression, insomnia, obesity, and many other conditions.” –WEB MD

The biggest thing that grabbed my attention was the connection between sleeplessness and weight gain. I have been reading about that for months! People who have problems sleeping also tend to battle weight gain. So if 5 HTP helped you sleep better (and even control your weight), it would be SO WORTH IT to try this supplement.

My friend told me she cannot understand people who say when they get sick, they don’t want to eat—or when they are stressed, they just cannot eat!! Most of us eat when we are well or sick…happy or stressed. But we want to control our over-eating…our desire to eat whether we are hungry or not. We just need some help—a crutch to support us—we just need 5 HTP!

LOSE WEIGHT AND LOOK AS GOOD AS YOU’LL FEEL: 5-HTP is a natural appetite suppressant that also helps to control cravings, binge eating or emotional eating so you can lose weight. Plus, when YOU FEEL GOOD, weight loss is much easier because you have energy, you don’t feel fatigued, you’re not dealing with mood swings and you sleep better.

Remember to take as directed—for the full 30 days!! Don’t give up after a week or two. Natural supplements can take longer to build up in your system so always give them a full 30 days!!

Learn more about 5 HTP and all of our UltaLife products by going to or by visiting our Amazon store at

CLICK HERE to read more about 5 HTP

Have You Heard About the Skinny Bean?

It’s the story of my life!! “I need to lose a few pounds—or maybe more than a few pounds.” I know I will be healthier overall and my joints will thank me for the decreased pounds. So why can’t I just do it?

I think there are all times when we need that extra encouragement—maybe a buddy to start a nutrition program with—or a supplement that will be good for my body and at the same time help me to control those overeating/snacking urges.

I worked for a doctor many years ago and remember being amazed at the positive changes often brought about in a person’s health (blood pressure, blood tests, etc) when that person lost even a small percentage of his/her body weight. Too often we set unrealistic goals for ourselves! We start on these strict, food choice limiting diets only to fail in a short time because it is almost impossible to eat like this forever—or for an extended period of time. But we still want to lose some weight and we want to be healthier overall.

On your next doctor’s visit, wouldn’t you love to happily step on the scales knowing that you have achieved weight loss. How about the clothes hanging in the back of your closet that are just a little too snug for comfort? What about having more energy (with less pounds to carry around) and being more active with your family and friends?

UltaLife has several supplements to assist you with your weight-loss journey. Today we want to introduce you to the white kidney bean, which has sometimes been called the “skinny bean”.

Our #1 BEST White Kidney Bean Extract Plus+ is the Perfect Weight Loss Supplement to Block Carbs and Give You The Benefits of a Low Carb Diet! All Natural Weight Loss ★ Helps You Lose Weight ★ Increase Metabolism and Feel Full Longer! Contains Potent Garcinia Cambogia Extract for Extra Weight Loss Power! Best Carb Blocker Pills to Maintain Healthy Carb Function. Safe & Effective


Remember—-‘Rome wasn’t built in a day”! Your weight-loss journey will not be accomplished in a day or a few weeks either. At UltaLife we remind our customers to take their supplement as directed for a full 30 days since natural supplements can take longer to work than prescription drugs. Faithfully take Our #1 BEST White Kidney Bean Extract Plus+ and try to incorporate some exercise in your days at least 5 times a week. You don’t have to do ‘sweat dripping off your brow’ exercises, but just strive to be a little more active in your daily life. Then we can all smile as we step on the scales!

Learn more about White Kidney Bean and all of our UltaLife products by going to or by visiting our Amazon store at

CLICK HERE to read more about White Kidney Bean.