Exhausted from Not Sleeping?

When is the last time you had a good night’s sleep and woke up refreshed? For some of us problems sleeping are an occasional things—for others it is almost every night. There are so many reasons we experience sleep problems, but the bottom line is that not getting enough restful sleep does more than leave you feeling tired and worn out…and sometimes a little grumpy!


Here are some important reasons you must get sleep:

Driving without enough sleep can cause accidents. I recently started on a trip where I would be doing all the driving for two days. A few hours into the first day, I got so sleepy that nothing was working to wake me up. I tried running the air conditioner on really cold and blowing on me—playing lively music—stopping for food and walking around. Nothing was working!! Thankfully I had the good sense to pull into a rest stop just to rest for 15 minutes. I woke up 1 ¼ hours later.

Lake of sleep also causes more work related accidents and impairs attention, alertness, concentration, reasoning, and problem solving. It makes you more forgetful and can affect judgement.

Chronic sleep loss puts you at a great risk for many health problems such as heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke and diabetes. There are other studies that show those who sleep less than 6 hours a night are almost 30% more likely to be obese than those who sleep 7-9 hours.  Sleep loss seems to stimulate appetite!! (Web MD). From personal experience, I know the nights I struggle to sleep are nights I snack more often…and not necessarily on the good, healthy foods I should be eating!

If you are convinced that you are having problems with sleeping—whether it is every night or occasionally—it might be time to consider a natural supplement like Perfect Sleep. Perfect Sleep by UltaLife is the natural sleep aid you can count on to deliver a full night’s sleep WITHOUT the waking up in a fog or groggy. You’ll fall asleep fast, stay asleep and when it’s time to get up, you won’t feel like a zombie, you’ll wake up refreshed, clear headed, focused and ready to start your day. Plus, you won’t have bad dreams or night terrors like many experience with sleeping pills or even benadryl.

CLICK HERE to read more about Perfect Sleep, One bottle will give you enough for 60 nights of good, restful sleep.

Nourishing Your Body, Mind & Spirit.

Are you an UltaLifer? Learn about the many supplements designed to make you stronger and healthier!

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Get Help For Arthritis

I have a friend who was furious when AARP sent him an AARP Card in the mail!! He would never tell his age….until he realized there were benefits to getting older like discounts on senior coffee or tea and other discounts with that AARP card.

I have been a little like my friend, Don, too. I have not wanted to admit I have arthritis. I didn’t want to take meds for it and generally I used the old saying—’grin and bear it’. Did not want anyone to think I was getting old!!

But in the last months the aches and pains have been getting progressively worse. My fingers hurt when I bend them—especially at night. The joints are swelling and I can no longer wear some of my rings. One of my knees brings on a sudden pain when I don’t expect it. I got up from my couch last week and found myself walking bent over – had to make myself stand up straight in spite of the pain in my back.

This is my confession. I have arthritis and it is time for me to do something about it. I want to stay active and realize I will certainly look and feel older if I let this pain and stiffness take over. I want to enjoy an active lifestyle.


I know my friend, Bonnie, takes UltaLife Glucosamine so I asked her if it really works for her. Bonnie loves UltalIfe Glucosamine Super Blend and says it makes a huge difference for her. So I checked it out for myself and here is what I found.

Glucosamine is vital for building cartilage which is the flexible, tough connective tissue found in parts of the body. This fine, rubbery tissue functions as padding, a cushion for bones and joints. Glucosamine plays a crucial role in incorporating sulfur into cartilage in order to make and repair it. As people age, glucosamine levels fall. In time, this can lead to joint deterioration.

I also found out why Ultalife Glucosamine Super Blend is the right Glucosamine for me!

*Glucosamine Super Blend helps in creating new building blocks for worn cartilage and painful joints UltaLife has done the heavy lifting for you and put it all together in easy-to-swallow vegetable capsules containing 5 main ingredients that work wonders on your body.

Want to find out more about Glucosamine Super Blend? Check it out. UltaLife is offering a 25% discount for a limited time. That makes a 30 day supply  less than 15.00. That is only 50 cents a day.

Use this code in Amazon to receive a 25% discount. JOINTS25

I am ready to give my arthritis pains and stiffness a punch in the face. Let’s do it!!


Here At UltaLife We Believe in ULTIMATE Living-

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Simple Ways To Get Healthy

When we think about getting healthy, we encounter so many rules, restrictions and guidelines that we give up before we even get started. Getting healthy does not have to be such a big deal. Did you know that small tweaks and changes can bring about big results?

Here are a few things to consider. Pick one or two and begin today.

  1. Develop an attitude of gratitude. Look for the good in situations and be thankful for the good things in your life.
  2. Exercise daily. It does not have to be an hour—just do something. The fitness trackers are great because they are motivational. Many cell phones have apps that track steps and activity too.
  3. Get your sleep. Turn down the volume on your phone at night so that incoming messages do not wake you.
  4. Aim for 5 servings of fruit and vegetables daily.
  5. Limit trans and saturated fats—eat more of the healthy fats (see https://ultalife.co/blog/there-are-good-fats/)
  6. Learn to recognize REAL hunger—not head hunger. Eat only when you are truly stomach hungry and quit as soon as you feel satisfied—not stuffed!
  7. Make a list of all your meds and list any allergies. Keep a copy in your wallet and post one on your refrigerator.
  8. Consider adding natural supplements.

There are many reasons you might need to add a quality, natural supplement to your diet. The FDA says that nutrient levels have fallen 81% in the last 30 years. We can eat the exact foods our grandparents ate and be far below in nutritional value.

Meats—the meats we buy in our grocery stores come from animals fed a diet of grain and soy. They have been fattened quickly and unnaturally by hormones and are full of antibiotics.

How about our vegetables and fruits? Surely they are the same!! No, Michael Wald, MD says the soil itself has been over-harvested, meaning that over years of use and turnover of soil, it becomes depleted in nutrition. That means crops growing in depleted soil are also depleted in nutritional value. Vegetables and fruits grown decades ago were much richer in vitamins and minerals

Processed foods. For many of us, processed foods are the bulk of our diets. Think about how your grandmother used to serve meals. Chances are there was not one processed food on the table. Even the richer foods and desserts were made with quality ingredients and contained no fillers, preservatives, artificial sweeteners, synthetic trans fats, MSG or  artificial colors. ALWAYS read the food labels and for the most part, avoid processed foods.

We agree that we are not getting all the nutrients we need in our diets and we need to supplement our diets. Check out our entire line of UltaLife Supplements. UltaLife offers the best natural supplements available in the marketplace and gives you the most effective formulas for optimal results and ultimate living. Our supplements are made in the USA with GMP Seal and Manufactured in an FDA Inspected Facility and carry a 100% Customer Satisfaction Guarantee.

See all of our  UltaLife Supplements by going to http://www.Amazon.com/shops/ultalifeco

Use this code when you check out at Amazon to save 20% on your purchase. 20OFFSUP


Here At UltaLife We Believe in ULTIMATE Living-

Nourishing Your Body, Mind & Spirit.

Are you an UltaLifer? Learn about the many supplements designed to make you stronger and healthier!

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What Is Inflammation Doing To Your Body?

Your body is a wonderfully made, complex machine!! You eat healthy, you manage your weight, you exercise and you get a good night’s sleep, but you can still have INFLAMMATION at work in your body. You are probably not aware of the inflammation but it can silently be making you old—your body and your brain. Or maybe you are dealing with a health problem that just doesn’t seem to get better…or you are just tired all the time! One of the best things you can do for yourself and your body is to control inflammation!

Joint pain, back pain, sciatica, muscle soreness, back problems or flare ups with your sciatic nerve, gout, stomach bloating and gas, IBS……..

If you identify with any of these conditions you might want to supplement with Turmeric Curcumin. The list of health benefits is remarkable! Turmeric Curcumin acts as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent. It has been called a MIRACLE SUPPLEMENT by many experts. Free radicals are harmful chemicals found in our body which should be kept in check by antioxidant compounds. If they are not kept in check, oxidative stress can occur. This can cause many skin problems as well as other health problems.

Pick the right Turmeric Curcumin to receive the best benefits.

**The Turmeric Extract needs to be standardized to 95% (supplements with less than 95% will not be as effective).
**The dosage should be at least 1000 mg daily
**Contains Black Pepper Extract to aid in absorption

UltaLife proudly offers you TURMERIC CURCUMIN with BioPerine Black Pepper,

See what people who are using TURMERIC CURCUMIN with BioPerine Black Pepper are saying!

My joints feel like I am 30 years younger. Love it, and I plan to buy more.
Amazon Review

You don’t realize how much it helps until you run out of the product. Taken faithfully it makes a difference in pain levels. Amazon Review

I started using Turmeric capsules once a day and from day one I noticed a big difference in my hands. They no longer ached. The anti-inflammatory factor is amazing!
Amazon Review


Turmeric Curcumin with BioPerine could be just what your body needs!! Click Here to read more about this amazing supplement!



Try it for 30 days and you might agree it is a MIRACLE SUPPLEMENT



Here At UltaLife We Believe in ULTIMATE Living-

Nourishing Your Body, Mind & Spirit.

Are you an UltaLifer? Learn about the many supplements designed to make you stronger and healthier!

Click Here to check out all of our great products.


How Important Are The Kidneys?

Do you ever consider how important your kidneys are to your overall health? Most of us don’t think about our kidneys as long as they are functioning correctly. They are vital organs!! Did you know the kidneys process about 2.2 pints of blood per minute? They filter wastes (up to two quarts) from the blood and send it to the bladder. Their function also helps to regulate your blood pressure and balance acidity and electrolyte levels.

There will be World Kidney Day in March 2018. The purpose of this day to  make people more aware of the importance of their kidneys and what they can do to protect them.  Let’s start now to make simple changes to protect these vital organs. Hypertension and Diabetes can cause many problems in the body—they are key risk factors for chronic kidney disease. Don’t ignore high blood pressure or diabetes! Stay active, eat healthy, watch your weight and drink plenty of water! Do not smoke—smoking slows the blood flow to the kidneys…AND can increase the risk of kidney cancer by 50%.

Do all that you can do to support your kidneys and consider adding one small capsule daily. UltaLife’s Natural Kidney Support helps filter & eliminate toxins, and supports the natural detox of the kidneys. Gives your kidneys the support they need with Organic Cranberry Extract and Our Proprietary Blend of herbs specially formulated for your kidney, bladder, liver & urinary tract.

Our Natural Kidney Support is Made in the USA in an FDA Registered Facility under GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice * Consistent Quality) Standards and it carries a 100% MONEY BACK SATISFACTION GUARANTEE

Sometimes we are downright silly!! We will spend 5.95 or more on a dessert at a restaurant. We will buy candy bars and other snacks and are not concerned what we pay for them!! These foods are not promoting health.  Yet we often don’t want to pay a small price for HEALTH!!

Today is the day to place your order and in just a few days you can be supporting your urinary tract health—improving bladder control—fighting infection—and supporting your kidney function. Try it today,  just Click Here and apply this code and save $5.68 –    30KIDNEY



Here At UltaLife We Believe in ULTIMATE Living-

Nourishing Your Body, Mind & Spirit.

Are you an UltaLifer? Learn about the many supplements designed to make you stronger and healthier!

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Sweet Potatoes Are For More Than Holidays!

I love sweet potatoes!!  I know some people want a baked sweet potato drenched in butter…or a sweet potato casserole loaded with butter, brown sugar and marshmallows! And I agree—those are YUMMY!

Personally, I love a sweet potato baked—just like it is. It is full of nutrition and one food we should have in our diets more frequently. This edible tuberous root is long and tapered and the flesh can range in colors. The sweeter ones have red, pink or orange flesh.

Continue reading Sweet Potatoes Are For More Than Holidays!

Why Exercise After 50?

Are you over 50? Remember when we were in our 20’s and 30’s? I would exercise with my main goal being to fit into a certain size clothes…be able to proudly go to the beach…look as good as my friends. How about you?

Now that I am a little older, my priorities have changed. At 50 plus, my health and well-being are my main concerns. My body is not the same as it was in my younger years so the way I exercise has had to change. I have a good life now and I am independent of needing help to enjoy my life…and I want it to stay that way!

I will list a few reasons we need to exercise and the best things to do. I am sure you can add to this list. Exercise to build or maintain muscle mass. Our metabolism slows as we age and muscles burn more calories than fat. Exercise can help with illnesses like heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis and many more.

Continue reading Why Exercise After 50?

What Are Additives and Pesticides Doing To Your Body?

We live in a TOXIC WORLD!  Have you checked ingredients on your favorite foods in the grocery store to see how many additives are in them? What about the pesticides used on our crops? Additives, pesticides and pollution can take their toll on your colon and cause problems Your whole body can become sluggish.

Constipation can cause waste products to stay in your body and result in a lack of energy and decreased immune function. Bowels can hold 5-10 lbs of undigested food and toxins at any time.

How can you detoxify your body? Start with a healthy diet and add
exercise to your daily routine. Then consider adding a gentle, natural Colon Cleansing Supplement.

Continue reading What Are Additives and Pesticides Doing To Your Body?

Do You Have Stiff Achy Joints?

REALLY? Are you still suffering with achy, sore joints, stiffness and swelling? Do you know how important Glucosamine is to your body?

Glucosamine is vital for building cartilage which is the flexible, tough connective tissue found in parts of the body. This fine, rubbery tissue functions as padding, a cushion for bones and joints and also plays a crucial role in incorporating sulfur into cartilage in order to make and repair it. As we age, our glucosamine levels fall…and this could lead to joint deterioration.

Don’t let achy joints rob you of your active lifestyle!

Continue reading Do You Have Stiff Achy Joints?

Ten Minute Health Challenge

I am one of those people who try to do everything 100%. I have found that expecting myself to be nearly perfect is a task I can never achieve. What about you?

Let’s use exercise as an example. I read—and my cardiologist insists—that I should exercise 30 minutes most days of the week. That seems reasonable, doesn’t it?

Want my list of excuses? “I am overwhelmed by all I have to do and just don’t have the time”…”It’s too hot (or cold) outside to walk”…”It is boring to walk on the treadmill”….and I am sure you could add to my list.

The truth is that most days I am unable (or unwilling) to commit to the 30 minutes of exercise!! But wouldn’t 5 or 10 minutes be better than nothing?? Of course it would and maybe some days I could sneak in 10 minutes twice a day….and some days even get in the full 30 minutes!!

This is my challenge to me and to you. Every day work in some exercise. Don’t be defeated and do nothing if you don’t have time for a full 30 minutes of exercise.

Let’s commit to at least 10 minutes daily. You can do it…and so can I!!


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