Why Exercise After 50?

Are you over 50? Remember when we were in our 20’s and 30’s? I would exercise with my main goal being to fit into a certain size clothes…be able to proudly go to the beach…look as good as my friends. How about you?

Now that I am a little older, my priorities have changed. At 50 plus, my health and well-being are my main concerns. My body is not the same as it was in my younger years so the way I exercise has had to change. I have a good life now and I am independent of needing help to enjoy my life…and I want it to stay that way!

I will list a few reasons we need to exercise and the best things to do. I am sure you can add to this list. Exercise to build or maintain muscle mass. Our metabolism slows as we age and muscles burn more calories than fat. Exercise can help with illnesses like heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis and many more.

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