My Dog Taught Me About Love

Gizmo came into our family over 12 years ago and was so tiny he fit in my husband’s hand. He quickly grew to be a larger Yorkie. We teasingly called him the Godzilla of Yorkies, but we would not have changed anything about him. After my parents became ill and unable to take care of him, my little brother (Gizmo) came to live with my husband and me.

In my lifetime, I have had many  dogs, but no one like Gizmo. He didn’t care too much for other dogs but LOVED their owners. If anyone even made eye contact with him, he ran to them with his tail wagging and quickly turned over to have his belly rubbed. There was only one thing he did not like and that was a cough or sneeze. Many times I have sneezed and gotten a dirty look as he walked to the bedroom to hide under the bed, but all was forgiven in a short time.

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What Kind of Seeds Are You Planting?

I am not a great gardener but have been attempting to plant some seeds and plants and have a beautiful yard this year. I have researched and planted the seeds that grow well in the area of the US where I live…and I know not to plant seeds for sand spurs, weeds or poison ivy!! I certainly cannot plant sand spur seeds and expect to have lovely, blooming flowers.

What kinds of seeds are you planting in your life? How often do we think and speak negatively and then expect good things in our lives? Think and speak positive words. That sounds easy, doesn’t it? Take a day and be constantly vigilant of your thoughts, words and actions. It is so easy to fall into negative patterns that hold you back from your ultimate goals.

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Are You Rich?

I read some words on a sign recently and had to go back and read them again. It is a simple statement:

“If you want to feel really rich,
think about all the good things in your life
that money cannot  buy!”

We all get discouraged, upset and overwhelmed with ‘life’! Through the years, I try to be ready with my PERSONAL AMMUNITION of positive words, thoughts, prayers. I have also been reminded many times of how blessed I really am in spite of the difficult circumstances.

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You Are Special

If Only I Could Be Like……

Each of us has our own unique skills, talents and strengths, yet I wonder how often we downplay our own abilities and wish we could be like____________(you fill in the blank). As confident as we might look on the outside, we feel inferior inside. It’s so easy to recognize the strengths of those around us while we focus on our own (perceived) weaknesses.

I was once in a meeting led by several individuals. One person was rather aggressive in her approach…another had years of experience in this field….another didn’t have much experience but was  full of energy and enthusiasm….one man was rather shy but completely sincere in his approach. What a wonderful combination! Because of the varied abilities and strengths, that meeting was a complete success and each person in the audience could certainly identify with some of the qualities represented that day.

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Are You Searching For Your Rainbow?

Sometimes it is easy to see the rainbow…the good in every situation. Other times, it is hard to see past the storm clouds, wind and rain. It does take effort and determination to realize that these less than wonderful situations will pass–that there is a rainbow just waiting for us.

I have a friend who (as a joke) used to sing the song from the old television show Hee-Haw. Do you remember it?

Gloom, despair and agony on me

Deep dark depression, excessive misery

If it weren’t for bad luck, I’d have no luck at all

Gloom, despair and agony on me

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Imagine that you had won the following *PRIZE* in a contest:

 Each morning your bank would deposit $86,400 in your private account for your use. However, this prize has Rules:

The set of Rules:
1. Everything that you didn’t spend during each day would be taken away from you.
2. You may not simply transfer money into some other account.
3. You may only spend It.
4. Each morning upon awakening, the bank opens your account with    another $86,400 for that day.
5. The bank can end the game without warning; at any time, it can say, “Game Over!” It can close the account, and you will not receive a new one.

What would you personally do?


Live Your Dreams in the New Year

Do you have GOALS and DREAMS? Have you achieved them? There is a song we sometimes sing in my church—‘Don’t Give Up On the Brink of a Miracle!’ And that is what I am saying to you also!! I have often wondered how many times we just give up….when success and fulfillment are just around the corner. Don’t Give Up….EVER!!

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GRATITUDE—being Thankful-It is one of life’s greatest secrets. It’s like a magic key that opens the doors to all the good stuff in life.


Gratitude can fix almost everything. When we live in a state of GRATITUDE we open ourselves up to receiving an influx of love, joy, peace, health, happiness, wealth and abundance into our lives.

Continue reading A HEART OF GRATITUDE