You Are Special

If Only I Could Be Like……

Each of us has our own unique skills, talents and strengths, yet I wonder how often we downplay our own abilities and wish we could be like____________(you fill in the blank). As confident as we might look on the outside, we feel inferior inside. It’s so easy to recognize the strengths of those around us while we focus on our own (perceived) weaknesses.

I was once in a meeting led by several individuals. One person was rather aggressive in her approach…another had years of experience in this field….another didn’t have much experience but was  full of energy and enthusiasm….one man was rather shy but completely sincere in his approach. What a wonderful combination! Because of the varied abilities and strengths, that meeting was a complete success and each person in the audience could certainly identify with some of the qualities represented that day.

I challenge you to take time …maybe even write down a list of your own strengths. We are each unique beings created for a wonderful purpose. Be thankful for the person you are. Will you realize and utilize your potential, or will you only focus on those traits you see a negative?

We have all heard the phrase “God isn’t finished with me”. If there are abilities and skills you want to develop in your life, you can do it! Remember to be positive in your thoughts, words and your actions. Always be thankful for your blessings and celebrate you!!


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