My Dog Taught Me About Love

Gizmo came into our family over 12 years ago and was so tiny he fit in my husband’s hand. He quickly grew to be a larger Yorkie. We teasingly called him the Godzilla of Yorkies, but we would not have changed anything about him. After my parents became ill and unable to take care of him, my little brother (Gizmo) came to live with my husband and me.

In my lifetime, I have had many  dogs, but no one like Gizmo. He didn’t care too much for other dogs but LOVED their owners. If anyone even made eye contact with him, he ran to them with his tail wagging and quickly turned over to have his belly rubbed. There was only one thing he did not like and that was a cough or sneeze. Many times I have sneezed and gotten a dirty look as he walked to the bedroom to hide under the bed, but all was forgiven in a short time.

I could write a book on what I have learned about love from my dog. I have been told dogs love us more than they love themselves—and I believe that. Gizmo loved me the same if I was happy or sad. He did not like it if I cried and quickly tried to make me feel better. It did not matter to him if I just got out of bed with my hair a mess and no make-up—or if I was dressed nicely to start my day. His love was the same. He never held a grudge and quickly forgave me if I was in a bad mood or scolded him.

Gizmo taught me the meaning of devotion and unconditional love. Did you ever think that if you reverse the letters for DOG, you get GOD? Did God give us dogs to teach us more about His love—which is unconditional?

Max, Chumley, Howie, Mo, Barney and Gizmo—thank you for all the joy and love you have brought to our UltaLife families. Our lives have been changed forever because of your love.


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3 thoughts on “My Dog Taught Me About Love”

  1. Mom called him a porky Yorkie when he grew to 18 pounds. He lost 5 or 6 pounds and was so strong, most people thought he was pulling my power chair, in his pursuit to reach them and share his love. Truly, a role model of love, there will never be another dog like Gizzie.

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