Shed Winter Weight Now

Oh my! Summer is almost here. Are you ready to change your winter clothes for shorts, tank tops, a bathing suit? Maybe you have been hiding inside the heavier winter clothing and the thought of revealing what is underneath those layers is daunting….scary…downright depressing.

Let’s do it together!! Watch for two more blog articles with tips on revealing our best bodies!

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The Amazing Elephant

Our good friend, Dave, sent me this picture of him and his wife riding on an elephant while on a wonderful vacation.  Dave said the ride was a bit bumpy!! I have never traveled abroad or ridden an elephant, but I became  intrigued to learn more about these giant creatures, elephants.

Did you know elephants can be as tall as 13 feet and weigh up to 15,000 pounds!! Wow! They have pillar like legs to hold up this great weight. I have been trying to lose a few pounds—thankfully I don’t have that much to worry about!! An adult elephant can eat 300-400 pounds of food a day.

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Do You Eat Even When Not Hungry?

We love our food!! We eat to maintain and support our bodies, but some of us eat even when we are not hungry. Or we eat when we are hungry and never stop until we are stuffed.

Overeating can lead to weight gain and obesity, but there are so many other risks associated with overeating. It can lead to Type 2 Diabetes. Web MD says Type 2 Diabetes means your body cannot use insulin correctly and this makes your blood sugar levels harder to control. If left untreated, this can lead to other problems like damage to your kidneys, your eyes and your heart.

Then consider depression and anxiety. Often overweight people suffer with these. Are they bought on by overeating and being overweight….or does the depression or anxiety cause a person to continue eating way past the full signal? Either way, the extra pounds are just not good for your body!

Continue reading Do You Eat Even When Not Hungry?

Jump Start your Weight Loss Naturally

Want to jump start your weight loss? Burn fat, increase metabolism, purify liver and colon…..? It is as simple as using SIP Weight Loss Morning Tea once a day and combining it with SIP Detox Tea every other night. How simple is that?  A Weight Loss DUO packed with natural ingredients!!

For most Americans, tea is just tea! It comes in bag made by Lipton—or it is an overly sweet drink we purchase already prepared.


In many areas of the world, tea is a highly respected drink—with different tea leaves producing different flavors and great health benefits! Some teas are known to ward of diseases—others to aid in weight loss by increasing the metabolism, reducing appetite and burning fat!!

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Eating for the Holidays

The Christmas Season is especially difficult for those trying to diet—lose weight or even just maintain their weight. I used to start a diet thinking I had to deprive myself of good things…and to feel hungry all the time!!

Those kinds of diets usually fail. While you might lose a few pounds, you will tend to gain eat-methem back. No one can live in a constant state of hunger!! If you tell yourself you cannot have a certain food (like chocolate), guess what you will crave!! I have actually had chocolate call my name!!


I learned years ago that dieting is never a good idea. What you should do is make lifestyle changes. Modify your eating in ways you can continue. Don’t deprive yourself for 2 weeks and then go crazy eating after that!

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Are You On A Diet?

Tips for eating and enjoying it—but not gaining weight.

I have learned some tips that have helped me through the years. I have been a long time Weight Watcher member and have tried to find ways to eat in whatever situation I am in…and make it work. I don’t beat myself up if I am not perfect. I just get up and start over the next day.

Growing up, my mom was a great cook. Bacon (and the grease) was used in almost every vegetable for seasoning. Sure it is great—but not healthy or low calorie. Instead of using bacon or lots of butter when cooking my veggies, I have learned to use chicken broth—or even just bouillon cubes.  My green beans cooked this way are great. I use one bouillon cube per pound of fresh green beans. Try sautéing a chopped onion in just a dab of olive oil first and that will also add extra flavor.

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Are You In Control–Or Is Your Appetite In Control?

Saffron is s spice which is derived from the Crocus sativus flower. It has been used as a spice in cooking for years and is also available as a supplement. Saffron has been used for thousands of years to treat many symptoms from fevers to cramps to heartburn to asthma. Studies are ongoing to determine all the benefits of Saffron Supplements. It is believed Saffron could be helpful with Alzheimers Disease (in slowing the progression), depression, premenstrual syndrome, high cholesterol.  Saffron extract is also believed to be helpful in promoting weight loss and in treating depression.

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Have You Checked Your Blood Pressure Lately?


Blood pressure is the measure of the force of blood pushing against blood vessel walls. The heart pumps blood into the arteries (blood vessels), which carry the blood throughout the body. High blood pressure, also called hypertension, is dangerous because it makes the heart work harder to pump blood out to the body and contributes to hardening of the arteries, or atherosclerosis, to stroke, kidney disease, and to the development of heart failure.

Seeing your health care professional regularly is essential. For many people, there are no signs that anything is wrong until the blood pressure levels get quite high…. and if you already know your blood pressure is high, monitoring the numbers is essential. Your personal doctor watches over you and monitors different levels—blood pressure, blood tests, xrays etc. Anything written here is not intended to replace advice or information given to you by your physician.


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5 Ways You Can Increase Your Metabolism Naturally

shutterstock_334041122If your metabolism is sluggish, it’s likely due to a number of things. First and foremost, it can be attributed to the foods you eat. It also may have something to do with your body composition or age.

If you want to accelerate weight loss safely, you’re going to need to change things up some. Your habits may be the root cause of your slow metabolism. By swapping them out for healthier habits, you’ll see the results that you want to see physically in less time.

Here are five ways to increase your metabolism naturally:

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IGNITE the Fire and UNLOCK the FAT!!

Losing weight!! Most of us attempt diets and sometimes we get results. Other times it seems we limit our intake and try to make healthy choices only to find the scales never budging. Discouragement can lead us to overeating AGAIN—we feel like there is no reason to continue with our diets if we are not going to see results.

Maybe you just need ‘something’ to work with your system as you continue healthy eating habits and exercising (you are doing some exercise, aren’t you?). That ‘something’ could be Ultalife IGNITE Fat Burner! We offer you a 60 day supply—and please remember you cannot take a supplement for a week or two and determine it does not work for you!! Be faithful both with your good eating habits, exercise and taking your UltaLife IGNITE Fat Burner.

Another great benefit of IGNITE Fat burner is that it increases your energy. When you have more energy, you will tend to do more physical things and for longer periods of time….and that is always a great combination for weight-loss.

UltaLIfe Ignite Fat Burner

It’s the diet pill you’ve been waiting for. Providing both men and women with ALL-NATURAL WEIGHT LOSS–even the tough areas are no match for this all over + belly fat burner. Ignite’s advanced thermogenic fat-burning formula contains a synergistic blend of 9 ingredients that will work with your body to unlock stored fat and optimize your body’s ability to melt away unwanted pounds. Ignite also contains an Energy & Focus Blend to kick up your energy and at the same time, deliver laser-like focus. Ignite’s ‘ENERGY & FOCUS BLEND’ delivers laser-focus & pure, clean energy that lasts 8 Hours with No Crash and No Jitters like other weight loss supplements. If taken twice daily, these ingredients can increase metabolism, turn up the heat on fat-burning and keep you focused and energized for up to 8 hours.

ULtaLife products have a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee – so what do you have to lose?? Only those unwanted pounds!!

Click Here and see more about UltaLife Ignite Fat Burner.