We Need Unity And Not Division

I read this months ago and kept a copy. I wish I could give credit to whoever wrote it. It is short, but certainly could give us all something to think about.

“One of the most difficult things to do is to get people to work together successfully, to have a meeting of the minds where people reach an agreement and move forward together for a common cause.

It’s often easier for people to fight and disagree than to come together, progress and build. It is written that a house divided is a house broken. Of all the things that we seek guidance on, we often forget to pray for unity and for the Lord to enable our spirit to work with others.”

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What Is Your IT?

No matter what your faith or religious perspective is, just stick with me for a minute because answering this question could make a HUGE difference in your life.

I grew up in church– meaning, if the doors were open we were there. Even if they weren’t open we tended to be there because both my parents were involved in various groups and ministries of the church that always seemed to be having meetings, get-togethers, practices, etc.

My point is, “the church” was like my second home and the people were my second family. And I wouldn’t trade those years or that foundation for anything. It’s priceless.

At the same time I’ve always been the person to challenge — EVERYTHING….At home….In school…In church. I was always asking WHY or WHY NOT and if the answer didn’t make sense or feel right to me– then I didn’t accept it.

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Penny Wise Pound Foolish

We have all heard the old British saying—“penny wise pound foolish”. This means we might focus on saving pennies that in the long run cost us larger amounts of money. We all want to save money, but don’t forget the larger picture.

Okay, I admit it!! I have been penny wise and pound foolish. My mother was very economical. She had to be!! My dad did not have a high paying job and for years she couldn’t work because my little brother was sick and his medicines were very expensive. My mother knew more ways to cook a pound of hamburger that were delicious than you could ever imagine.

I guess I learned from my mom and I shop for good sales and most of the time, I get great deals and save a lot of money, but sometimes my desire to be thrifty outweighs my better judgement. For instance, I might not purchase a favorite fruit or vegetable because it is expensive….but will turn around and buy candy or cookies or cake!! Those items are not good for me and if you figure the price per ounce, the cost can be quite expensive. I would have been better off with my favorite—watermelon—even though it was pretty pricey!

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There is HOPE

Thomas Jefferson once said…

“Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.”

Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, Napoleon Hill, Earl Nightingale… they all stressed the importance of having a…POSITIVE MENTAL ATTITUDE.

And God gives us a pretty clear list of the type “stuff” we’re supposed to think about when the Bible says…

“Whatsoever things are true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, of good report; if there’s any virtue, and if there be any praise… THINK ON THESE THINGS.”

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Can I Ask You Something?

Can I ask you something?

Can I Ask You Something? And NO, it’s not what you’re thinking–I’m not going to ask if the glass is “half-full” or “half-empty” 😉

My question is…How heavy is this glass of water?

(insert the Jeapordy music)…lol

OK… do you have an answer?

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Perspective Changes Everything!

I was running some errands on Sunday and brought my youngest son, Daniel along with me. He’s my sidekick most of the time. Daniel is one of these dudes who likes to talk. And by that I mean he never stops 😉

I tend to stay in my head–because I’m a man of few words. So when I’m hanging with Daniel he’s talking a mile a minute and I’m doing my best to stay present and listen.

We pulled onto the highway and Daniel asked…”How long do you suppose those dashed lines are on the road?” He was talking about the white dashed lines that separate two lanes going in the same direction.

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What Do You REALLY Want in Life?

Where do you want to eat tonight? It’s the question that I dread. Because it always starts and ends the same. “I don’t know”…”I don’t care”…”Wherever you want…””Anywhere is fine…””Just pick a place…”

Then someone speaks up…”How about Chipotle?”…which is quickly answered with…”Uggh… it’s too spicy”

“Olive Garden?”… to which I’ll hear…”I eat too many breadsticks so I leave with a stomachache!”

“Outback?”…which is answered with…”Ummm… there’s nothing there to eat anymore so I’ll just get a drink while you guys eat.”

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Taking Care of You–Mind, Body and Spirit

The absolute best thing you can do for yourself and your family is to take care of yourself. You cannot really take care of your family, your home, your job unless you are healthy and strong. We are not one dimensional beings—we are Body, Mind and Spirit!

I found this great list of ways to take care of ourselves and want to share it with you. You can read more by Clicking Here

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You Can Be A Victor

Life—it is not all a bed of roses!! Sometimes the thorns show up and create struggles in each of our lives. We all become victims from time to time of these ‘thorns’—discouragement, fear, guilt, mistreatment……Often we have no control over these ‘thorns’. What we can control is how we react and how we dwell on them.

Robert Silverstone has said:  ‘A universal law states that whatever we focus our attention on will tend to expand. If we are focused on finding the negative in a person or situation, especially in ourselves, those negatives will tend to expand and before long we find ourselves participating in victim consciousness, often without even being aware of it.’

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What Kind of Seeds Are You Planting?

I am not a great gardener but have been attempting to plant some seeds and plants and have a beautiful yard this year. I have researched and planted the seeds that grow well in the area of the US where I live…and I know not to plant seeds for sand spurs, weeds or poison ivy!! I certainly cannot plant sand spur seeds and expect to have lovely, blooming flowers.

What kinds of seeds are you planting in your life? How often do we think and speak negatively and then expect good things in our lives? Think and speak positive words. That sounds easy, doesn’t it? Take a day and be constantly vigilant of your thoughts, words and actions. It is so easy to fall into negative patterns that hold you back from your ultimate goals.

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