What Is Your IT?

No matter what your faith or religious perspective is, just stick with me for a minute because answering this question could make a HUGE difference in your life.

I grew up in church– meaning, if the doors were open we were there. Even if they weren’t open we tended to be there because both my parents were involved in various groups and ministries of the church that always seemed to be having meetings, get-togethers, practices, etc.

My point is, “the church” was like my second home and the people were my second family. And I wouldn’t trade those years or that foundation for anything. It’s priceless.

At the same time I’ve always been the person to challenge — EVERYTHING….At home….In school…In church. I was always asking WHY or WHY NOT and if the answer didn’t make sense or feel right to me– then I didn’t accept it.

Works great as an Entrepreneur– not always so well in the rest of life 😉

As a Christian, one of the things I enjoy doing is pondering WHY certain things were said and done in the Bible because it really is the ultimate guide for success, health, wealth and happiness.

Anyway, I heard a clip from a movie the other day (don’t even know what it was) but it flashed Jesus on the cross, uttering those 3 famous words…

And when I heard those words it stopped me in my tracks. Now, no doubt, I’ve heard those words and that story like a bazillion times in my life. But when I heard them the other day something NEW occurred to me.

WHY did Jesus say THOSE words?

He could have said all sorts of things– that would have made a lot more sense to most, given His state at that moment. But He didn’t. He said…




What was “IT”?

I believe “IT” was His purpose–His mission. The REASON He was there in the first place. He knew it from the start. He worked toward it every single day of the 33 years He walked the earth. He was focused and on purpose right down to the very last 3 words.

Now, fortunately for us, our “IT” isn’t about coming to save mankind or having to fulfill an incredibly difficult and painful purpose or mission. In fact, for US it’s really the opposite. Our “IT” involves stepping into who we were created to be and tapping into our own God given power and greatness.

But first, we need to DISCOVER what our “IT” actually is.

Do you know what yours is? What’s sad is that most people are so cut off from their true calling in life that they have absolutely no idea. Somewhere along the line we got sold a bill of goods that said we

needed to fit in this certain “box”, which for most meant “get a job, work hard and bust your backside just hoping to make ends meet.” I can assure you, that’s NOT your “IT”. NOT EVEN CLOSE.

We talk a lot about figuring out WHAT YOU WANT in life because, you can’t have what you want if you don’t know what you want. And most people, just like knowing your “IT”… have no clue.

But I assure you that you HAVE an “IT” and when you’re doing “IT” is when you feel the happiest and most fulfilled because it’s a showcase of your unique talents and abilities.

Don’t think you have any? Ahhh… that’s just because you haven’t discovered your “IT”. Give it some thought as you start to drift off to sleep tonight. If you’re totally lost, think back to a time (maybe even from your childhood) when you were the absolute happiest-What were you doing?

Or think about the things that people who know you best mention about you–what you’re best at or what comes natural to you. Think about the things that prick your heart- that stir your soul.

Just relax and as you fall asleep, ask the question…”What’s my IT?”


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