How Important Are The Kidneys?

Do you ever consider how important your kidneys are to your overall health? Most of us don’t think about our kidneys as long as they are functioning correctly. They are vital organs!! Did you know the kidneys process about 2.2 pints of blood per minute? They filter wastes (up to two quarts) from the blood and send it to the bladder. Their function also helps to regulate your blood pressure and balance acidity and electrolyte levels.

There will be World Kidney Day in March 2018. The purpose of this day to  make people more aware of the importance of their kidneys and what they can do to protect them.  Let’s start now to make simple changes to protect these vital organs. Hypertension and Diabetes can cause many problems in the body—they are key risk factors for chronic kidney disease. Don’t ignore high blood pressure or diabetes! Stay active, eat healthy, watch your weight and drink plenty of water! Do not smoke—smoking slows the blood flow to the kidneys…AND can increase the risk of kidney cancer by 50%.

Do all that you can do to support your kidneys and consider adding one small capsule daily. UltaLife’s Natural Kidney Support helps filter & eliminate toxins, and supports the natural detox of the kidneys. Gives your kidneys the support they need with Organic Cranberry Extract and Our Proprietary Blend of herbs specially formulated for your kidney, bladder, liver & urinary tract.

Our Natural Kidney Support is Made in the USA in an FDA Registered Facility under GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice * Consistent Quality) Standards and it carries a 100% MONEY BACK SATISFACTION GUARANTEE

Sometimes we are downright silly!! We will spend 5.95 or more on a dessert at a restaurant. We will buy candy bars and other snacks and are not concerned what we pay for them!! These foods are not promoting health.  Yet we often don’t want to pay a small price for HEALTH!!

Today is the day to place your order and in just a few days you can be supporting your urinary tract health—improving bladder control—fighting infection—and supporting your kidney function. Try it today,  just Click Here and apply this code and save $5.68 –    30KIDNEY



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Sweet Potatoes Are For More Than Holidays!

I love sweet potatoes!!  I know some people want a baked sweet potato drenched in butter…or a sweet potato casserole loaded with butter, brown sugar and marshmallows! And I agree—those are YUMMY!

Personally, I love a sweet potato baked—just like it is. It is full of nutrition and one food we should have in our diets more frequently. This edible tuberous root is long and tapered and the flesh can range in colors. The sweeter ones have red, pink or orange flesh.

Continue reading Sweet Potatoes Are For More Than Holidays!

There Are Good Fats?

You want me to eat FATS? Really? In all my years of dieting, I thought I was to avoid fats in order to lose weight? I thought I had to avoid fats to protect my heart and keep my cholesterol down. And now you want me to eat fats?

From my research, the key is knowing which fats are good for us. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s 2005 Dietary Guidelines tell us to get around 10% of our daily calories from fats.  The HEALTHY FATS- unsaturated fats which include polyunsaturated fatty acids and monounsaturated fats. Both mono- and polyunsaturated fats. Healthy fats are not packaged processed foods, fried foods, cakes, cookies, etc.  which contain saturated or trans fats

So what are some of these Healthy Fats? Continue reading There Are Good Fats?

Will An Apple A Day Keep The Doctor Away?

My husband was recently in the hospital and now that he is home, nurses come frequently to check on him. I have learned so much just from listening to them! You know the saying we have heard for years?

Did you know there have been several studies about the effectiveness of eating apples to control cholesterol levels? The University of Oxford reports in 2013 that “the 150 year old proverb, an apple a day keeps the doctor away, stands the test of time”. Their researchers concluded that eating an apple a day would prevent about 8500 deaths from heart attacks and strokes in adults over 50 (in the UK) in a year.

Continue reading Will An Apple A Day Keep The Doctor Away?

Do You Eat Even When Not Hungry?

We love our food!! We eat to maintain and support our bodies, but some of us eat even when we are not hungry. Or we eat when we are hungry and never stop until we are stuffed.

Overeating can lead to weight gain and obesity, but there are so many other risks associated with overeating. It can lead to Type 2 Diabetes. Web MD says Type 2 Diabetes means your body cannot use insulin correctly and this makes your blood sugar levels harder to control. If left untreated, this can lead to other problems like damage to your kidneys, your eyes and your heart.

Then consider depression and anxiety. Often overweight people suffer with these. Are they bought on by overeating and being overweight….or does the depression or anxiety cause a person to continue eating way past the full signal? Either way, the extra pounds are just not good for your body!

Continue reading Do You Eat Even When Not Hungry?

Eating for the Holidays

The Christmas Season is especially difficult for those trying to diet—lose weight or even just maintain their weight. I used to start a diet thinking I had to deprive myself of good things…and to feel hungry all the time!!

Those kinds of diets usually fail. While you might lose a few pounds, you will tend to gain eat-methem back. No one can live in a constant state of hunger!! If you tell yourself you cannot have a certain food (like chocolate), guess what you will crave!! I have actually had chocolate call my name!!


I learned years ago that dieting is never a good idea. What you should do is make lifestyle changes. Modify your eating in ways you can continue. Don’t deprive yourself for 2 weeks and then go crazy eating after that!

Continue reading Eating for the Holidays

Are You On A Diet?

Tips for eating and enjoying it—but not gaining weight.

I have learned some tips that have helped me through the years. I have been a long time Weight Watcher member and have tried to find ways to eat in whatever situation I am in…and make it work. I don’t beat myself up if I am not perfect. I just get up and start over the next day.

Growing up, my mom was a great cook. Bacon (and the grease) was used in almost every vegetable for seasoning. Sure it is great—but not healthy or low calorie. Instead of using bacon or lots of butter when cooking my veggies, I have learned to use chicken broth—or even just bouillon cubes.  My green beans cooked this way are great. I use one bouillon cube per pound of fresh green beans. Try sautéing a chopped onion in just a dab of olive oil first and that will also add extra flavor.

Continue reading Are You On A Diet?