The Amazing Elephant

Our good friend, Dave, sent me this picture of him and his wife riding on an elephant while on a wonderful vacation.  Dave said the ride was a bit bumpy!! I have never traveled abroad or ridden an elephant, but I became  intrigued to learn more about these giant creatures, elephants.

Did you know elephants can be as tall as 13 feet and weigh up to 15,000 pounds!! Wow! They have pillar like legs to hold up this great weight. I have been trying to lose a few pounds—thankfully I don’t have that much to worry about!! An adult elephant can eat 300-400 pounds of food a day.

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Did You Let The Sunshine In?

Many people dream of a vacation to Florida. Other’s think it must be so wonderful to live in Florida, where it is almost always warm, and spend days on the beaches, in the resorts and theme parks. I am a Floridian—born here and lived all my life in Florida. I can’t imagine living anywhere else. When my northern friends are freezing in the winters…and having huge heating bills…we are often using little to no heat. Some winter days we will even use our air conditioning during the middle of the day. My husband and daughter have been known to go in our pool on Christmas Day!

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Don’t Stand Still–Do Something!

Albert Einsteins’ definition of INSANITY makes sense— doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Do you have dreams and goals for your life that you have not achieved or are not actively working towards? Are you doing the same things over and over thinking the results will change? How is that working for you?

Have you ever watched a baby crawling? I used to watch Kenna when she visited our office. She would see something she wanted–she loved balls- -and begin crawling toward it.  Crawling is definitely slower than walking or running…and it’s hard on the knees. Sometimes she would sit back and take a break and then start toward that ball again. We could offer her other toys, but she knew what she wanted and no amount of distraction could deter her. No matter how long it took, she would get to the ball!

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Know Yourself to Achieve Success

Do you want to be a successful in your personal life, in your work life and in your interactions with others?? Probably one of the most important things you can do is to know yourself—your strengths and your weaknesses. Learn to appreciate your strengths and overcome your weaknesses. This will help you to be more successful in all areas of your life.

I knew nothing of Personality Tests until about fifteen years ago. When beginning a new job, I was asked to take this test and was told I am a Beaver. What in the world did that mean?   As I studied the characteristics of the different personality types, I learned about Lions, Otters, Beavers and Golden Retrievers. Sounds silly, doesn’t it?

Are you a Lion? You are very fast paced and goal oriented….you are direct…you want to lead….you love challenges…you are a problem solver….you like authority and are bold. You are a natural born leader!! You will boldly and courageously go into your business!

Lions, be careful because in the process of taking authority and leading, you might dominate a situation when you should allow others to contribute. Remember to be sympathetic to those around you. Consider others (your customers, co-workers) –work with them at their level, which might not be the fast paced, take charge tendency of the Lion.

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Is Life Overwhelming you?

Just when I am feeling like the weight of the world is crashing down on me, I get a reminder that things aren’t really so bad after all!! I know that many of you are dealing with personal/family problems and over shadowing many people is the economy. It’s easy to focus our attention on only these things and forget to see the bigger picture.

I was reminded twice recently about this. We have very good friends, Jim and Debora, who are missionaries in Africa. Let me tell you—if I had to face the hardships and dangers those dear friends face all the time, I would probably have run home as fast as I could long ago. I notice that when they are in the states, their hearts and minds are back in Africa with the children in the orphanage they run. Those children have all lost their parents due to AIDS.

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You CAN Change Your Life

There’s an old saying– and we hear it A LOT in the personal development world…


You may or may not agree. But today I was reminded of a funny story from my life that I wanted to share with you…Back with my son was younger we had two dogs.

Max– a golden retriever

and Chumley– a black Chow Chow.

I loved them both very much. And I’d say they both pretty much lived up to what most people expect from their breed.

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Let’s Honor Dr Martin Luther King’s DREAM

Today is Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr’s birthday. Dr. King was one of those rare people who had a vision so big that it didn’t just serve him or his family or a city or a state or a country…It was a vision so powerful that it served (and transformed) humanity.

I’m sure you’re familiar with his famous, “I HAVE A DREAM” speech…(as I type the words I can hear his impassioned voice saying, “I HAVE A DREAM”…you probably can, too).

But what I find most inspiring about Dr. King isn’t written in the lines of that great speech.What I’m most inspired by is the commitment he made to live his life by returning hatred, evil, anger and the absolute worst outpouring of human behavior with…


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IT’S JUST NOT FAIR! If you have children, you hear this phrase often. To tell you the truth, that’s how I feel about some situations also. Things happen to all of us that are challenging – sickness, loss of a job, family problems, divorce, unfair treatment at work…

We all face problems of one kind or another and often “it’s just not fair“!!

The next step is up to you! Are you going to dwell on the negative and the “poor me” syndrome? Are you going to waste your time and energy in thoughts and words that just keep you upset and don’t solve the problem? I was faced with a problem recently that upset me. I thought about the problem, lost sleep that night and woke up with a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. My mind was active all the next morning replaying the same words over and over. I finally had to stop myself because I was not making the situation any better and only further destroying my peace of mind.

Continue reading I REFUSE to be DEFEATED!

Secrets to Success from a Millionaire-Step 2

In my last blog article  – in case you missed it, you can find it at

I was starting to share my “C2A3” Formula with you. It’s essentially the formula I use to create what most people think are “miracle-like” results. You know, “money out of thin air” type things. But it’s not just about money–this is the formula you can use in EVERY AREA of your life.

I want to talk about the next part of the C2A3 FORMULA.

The first “C” was CLARITY. It’s the MOST important place to start. Get CLEAR and the rest is much easier… almost magic. So, if you don’t yet have that part down– at least on ONE THING–go ahead and do that before moving on.

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Secrets to Success from a Millionaire-Step 1

I was being interviewed this week for some press related stuff and they were going over a list of my accomplishments over the last 20 years. Things like…

=> Being a serial Entrepreneur and building or partnering in building a series of startups from zero to as much as 8 figures in the first year.

=> Generating revenue from what seemed like thin air– as much as $500K in about 90 minutes of work with no paid advertising, JV partners or anything “outside” of my own stuff.

=> Launching projects from scratch to as much as 7 figures a month—with just a matter of months.

=> Generating millions of dollars without ever picking up the phone, speaking at events, having affiliates/JV partners, using social media or even doing webinars/ google hangouts, etc.

=> Creating a life and lifestyle by total design where I’ve never had a job and am free to live as I choose.

And a whole lot more, but you get the point. Essentially the list of “accomplishments” boiled down to my ability to generate gobs of money while practically being a recluse. 😉

It all sounded pretty amazing (almost unbelievable) when you see it all listed in one big write-up. I guess it sounded that way to the folks doing the interview because all of a sudden I felt a shift. The energy changed.

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