Getting Older Can Be Fun

I received these hilarious nuggets of wisdom on GROWING OLDER in an email. I wish I knew where they originated so I could give credit!! It is always good to laugh so hope you will enjoy these.

Hope you enjoyed these–and remember to laugh every day!!


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Can Walking Really Make A Difference?

Walking is probably the easiest way to begin an exercise program. You don’t need to join a gym or buy fancy equipment—just a pair of good supportive shoes! It’s easy on your joints and can be done anytime of the day or night. You can walk outdoors….in a mall…on a treadmill in your house. I used to work in a dental office which had a big circular path through both sides of the office. At lunch time, when there were no patients, two of us would power walk around and around.

How much do you need to walk? 10,000 steps most days of the week is recommended—that is approximately 5 miles per day. You say you are just starting to exercise? First, check with your doctor. Then start out moderately—Rome wasn’t built in a day!!  If you can only do 2000 steps to begin, that is great. Keep on doing the 2000 steps and as you are able, add another 100 or 200 steps. Build gradually. Using a pedometer to count your steps is a good idea—and many phones have a health app that will count your steps.

How fast should you walk? It is generally recommended to walk about 3.0 miles per hour (or more) if you are able. 3.0 miles per hour would mean you would walk a mile in 20 minutes. Walk faster if your goal is to lose weight. Web MD recommends walking briskly a total of 300 minutes per week. If you walk 5 days of the week, that is one hour per day. Don’t get overwhelmed thinking you cannot possibly walk for an hour. Divide the time up into 2 or 3 sessions per day—and remember any walking is better than none!

Can you walk if you have back pain? Again, always consult your doctor and get his approval. Most doctors will recommend physical therapy for people with chronic lower back pain….and in some cases walking can be just as effective. You are not doing a marathon—just try to walk 20-40 minutes two or three times a week. Web MD

Walking is good for your overall health—can help you lose pounds—can help to keep you limber—can improve your mood—prevent or manage many health conditions such as heart, blood pressure and type 2 diabetes.—strengthen your bones and muscles. For those with osteopenia or osteoporosis, weight bearing exercise is recommended—walking is perfect for that!

Watch for our blog article next week on the many benefits of walking if you have arthritis


Nourishing Your Body, Mind & Spirit.

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Do You Need Comfort?


COMFORT means ‘to improve the mood of or restore a sense of well-being to’. Do you always feel like you are reaching out to friends, family, even strangers to offer comfort? Well, there are times you need COMFORT too. I hope the things that bring comfort to me might inspire you to find those special things in your own life that will bring COMFORT and peace to you.

Comfort food – We all have our own favorites and times that we need comfort food! This has been an extremely cold winter for many people and you might be needing some comfort food about now. Comfort food could be described as food that provides consolation or a feeling of well-being and could be associated with childhood or home cooking.

Continue reading Do You Need Comfort?

Having A Bad Day?

I received this email from a friend yesterday—right at a time when life has not been easy. My husband has spent 13 days in the hospital—is home but still far from being well. As each new, discouraging report has come in, I have had to fight defeat…and tears!! I think God knew I needed to be encouraged and reminded to be thankful for my blessings. I hope this message will also bless you.

A famous writer was in his study. He picked up his pen and began writing: “Last year, my gallbladder was removed. I was stuck in bed due to this surgery for a long time.

The same year I reached the age of 60 and had to give up my favorite job. I had spent 30 years of my life with this publishing company.

The same year I experienced the death of my father.

In the same year my son failed in his medical exam because he had a car accident. He had to stay in the hospital with a cast on his leg for several days. And, the destruction of the car was a second loss.”

His concluding statement: “Alas! It was such a bad year!!”

When the writer’s wife entered the room, she found her husband looking dejected, sad and lost in his thoughts.

She carefully and surreptitiously read what he had written, silently left the room and came back shortly with another piece of paper on which she had written her summary of the year’s events placing it beside her husband’s paper.

When her husband saw that she had written something in response to his account of the year’s events, he read:

Last year I finally got rid of my gallbladder which had given me many years of pain.

I turned 60 with sound health and retired from my job. Now I can utilize my time to write better and with more focus and peace.

The same year my father, at the age of 95 without depending on anyone and without any critical conditions, met his Creator.

The same year, God blessed my son with life. My car was destroyed, but my son was alive and without permanent disability.

At the end she wrote: “This year was an immense blessing and it passed well!!

The same incidents but different viewpoints . . . .

MORAL: In our daily lives we must see that it’s not happiness that makes us grateful, but gratefulness that makes us happy. There is always, always, always something to be thankful for.

ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING … And attitude is the one thing that we always, in every circumstance, have control over.

May we continue to see life’s blessings as we move forward on our life’s journey …even on difficult days


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Do You Need A Friend Today?

Did you ever have one of THOSE Days? You know what I mean? I have just had a succession of THOSE Days. I went to my emails this morning and my good friend, Dave, had sent this email to me. it made my day – lifted my spirits- and I hope it will yours also.

Wonderful antidote to all the horrible stuff on the news.

I think this is the greatest and truest description I’ve ever heard for a friend…

 Friends … They love you, But they’re not your lover.

They care for you, But they’re not from your family.

They’re ready to share your pain, But they’re not your blood relation.

They are …. FRIENDS! !!!!

A True friend…
Scolds like a DAD…
Cares like a MOM…
Teases like a SISTER…
Irritates like a BROTHER…
And finally loves you more than a LOVER.


The  nicest place to be is in someone’s THOUGHTS!
The  safest place to be is in someone’s PRAYERS!
And  the best place to be is in GOD’S HANDS!

God bless you all!! Cherish and thank God for your friends.


Here At UltaLife We Believe in ULTIMATE Living-

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Can I Ask You Something?

Can I ask you something?

Can I Ask You Something? And NO, it’s not what you’re thinking–I’m not going to ask if the glass is “half-full” or “half-empty” 😉

My question is…How heavy is this glass of water?

(insert the Jeapordy music)…lol

OK… do you have an answer?

Continue reading Can I Ask You Something?

Older is BETTER

Are you concerned about getting old? I had a boss years ago who said getting older is not a big deal…and it is much better than the alternative (dying young). I know—he had lots of one-liners, but some, like this one, really imparted some wisdom.

As a younger person, I remember seeing people in their forties (and beyond) and for the most part, they looked like old people. Today, we take better care of ourselves and honestly, we look great!! We are still vibrant and we have gained wisdom which helps us to make better decisions. We are active and enjoying our lives. Many surveys show that as we get older we are also more content with our lives!

Continue reading Older is BETTER

My Dog Taught Me About Love

Gizmo came into our family over 12 years ago and was so tiny he fit in my husband’s hand. He quickly grew to be a larger Yorkie. We teasingly called him the Godzilla of Yorkies, but we would not have changed anything about him. After my parents became ill and unable to take care of him, my little brother (Gizmo) came to live with my husband and me.

In my lifetime, I have had many  dogs, but no one like Gizmo. He didn’t care too much for other dogs but LOVED their owners. If anyone even made eye contact with him, he ran to them with his tail wagging and quickly turned over to have his belly rubbed. There was only one thing he did not like and that was a cough or sneeze. Many times I have sneezed and gotten a dirty look as he walked to the bedroom to hide under the bed, but all was forgiven in a short time.

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Ladies Are Special Every Day!

This is a special time of the year when we honor mothers—shouldn’t we be doing that every day? I believe ladies (whether they are mothers are not) have special abilities to nurture, encourage and just care about their worlds (families, neighbors, friends……) and make a huge difference.

We are all aware that men and women have many differences and we celebrate those differences. I thought you might like to read a few fun facts I discovered about these differences—many we already know!!

Continue reading Ladies Are Special Every Day!

What Kind of Seeds Are You Planting?

I am not a great gardener but have been attempting to plant some seeds and plants and have a beautiful yard this year. I have researched and planted the seeds that grow well in the area of the US where I live…and I know not to plant seeds for sand spurs, weeds or poison ivy!! I certainly cannot plant sand spur seeds and expect to have lovely, blooming flowers.

What kinds of seeds are you planting in your life? How often do we think and speak negatively and then expect good things in our lives? Think and speak positive words. That sounds easy, doesn’t it? Take a day and be constantly vigilant of your thoughts, words and actions. It is so easy to fall into negative patterns that hold you back from your ultimate goals.

Continue reading What Kind of Seeds Are You Planting?