I Want It Now and I Want It My Way!

We live in that kind of society, don’t we? We have all become accustomed to getting things (or expecting to) quickly. Remember when we used to cook rice for 25-30 minutes? Now we have instant rice! We can microwave a frozen meal and be ready to eat in less than 15 minutes. Potatoes used to take one hour to bake—now are microwaved in a flash! Mashed potatoes? The younger generation might not realize we actually used to peel the potatoes, boil and mash them.

I remember typing papers for the Old Timer (that’s my husband Larry—our grandson affectionately calls him Old Timer). He got his Bachelors Degree and then his Masters Degree and I had lots of practice typing all those long papers for him. Back in those days the footnotes had to be on the bottom of every page. Oh, the problems I had in typing the body of the page and knowing how much room to leave for the footnotes. And what about typing errors (no, I am far from perfect!)? We had white-out which looked terrible. Finally we had erasable bond paper and I thought I had ‘arrived’! The good news is Larry did very well and obtained both degrees. Me—I guess I learned to type more accurately and not scream when I had to re-type a whole page.

\ Continue reading I Want It Now and I Want It My Way!

Secrets to Success from a Millionaire-Part 5

Today is the day we tie it all together. I’m about to unveil the final “A” in the C2A3 formula for getting what you want in life. But before I do, I’d like you to stop for just a moment and consider what I’m saying here. This is the precise formula you can use to…


For real. and it’s not just something I “dreamed up” last week. This is THE FORMULA that we have followed for OVER 20 YEARS.

To say IT WORKS is like saying Niagara Falls is a nice waterfall. 😉

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Secrets to Success from a Millionaire-Step 4

Are you pumped up and ready to make this your best year ever? I have shared three steps in the C2A3 formula. It is IMPORTANT that you read and follow the first three steps before moving on.


Today we’re going to talk about the second “A”. Winston Churchill described it as, “A little thing that makes a BIG difference.”  He was talking about…

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Secrets to Success from a Millionaire-Step 3

I’m a journal fanatic–I collect them– and I LOVE the feeling of starting a FRESH NEW JOURNAL for a brand new year. It’s symbolic…looking at all the blank pages and realizing that I’m the one holding the pen.I write the script…I create the results. And I’m free to write any kind of script to create any kind of result that I really want. It is the same for you!

The problem is, most people don’t realize THEY are the ones holding the pen and writing the script.

Or even worse…

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Secrets to Success from a Millionaire-Step 2

In my last blog article  – in case you missed it, you can find it at


I was starting to share my “C2A3” Formula with you. It’s essentially the formula I use to create what most people think are “miracle-like” results. You know, “money out of thin air” type things. But it’s not just about money–this is the formula you can use in EVERY AREA of your life.

I want to talk about the next part of the C2A3 FORMULA.

The first “C” was CLARITY. It’s the MOST important place to start. Get CLEAR and the rest is much easier… almost magic. So, if you don’t yet have that part down– at least on ONE THING–go ahead and do that before moving on.

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Secrets to Success from a Millionaire-Step 1

I was being interviewed this week for some press related stuff and they were going over a list of my accomplishments over the last 20 years. Things like…

=> Being a serial Entrepreneur and building or partnering in building a series of startups from zero to as much as 8 figures in the first year.

=> Generating revenue from what seemed like thin air– as much as $500K in about 90 minutes of work with no paid advertising, JV partners or anything “outside” of my own stuff.

=> Launching projects from scratch to as much as 7 figures a month—with just a matter of months.

=> Generating millions of dollars without ever picking up the phone, speaking at events, having affiliates/JV partners, using social media or even doing webinars/ google hangouts, etc.

=> Creating a life and lifestyle by total design where I’ve never had a job and am free to live as I choose.

And a whole lot more, but you get the point. Essentially the list of “accomplishments” boiled down to my ability to generate gobs of money while practically being a recluse. 😉

It all sounded pretty amazing (almost unbelievable) when you see it all listed in one big write-up. I guess it sounded that way to the folks doing the interview because all of a sudden I felt a shift. The energy changed.

Continue reading Secrets to Success from a Millionaire-Step 1

The Legacy of Wayne Dyer

MY boss wrote this about Wayne Dyer at the end of August 2015. Dr. Dyer was the  motivational guru and author of dozens of self-help books. His legacy will live on and on and ….


We got the news yesterday that Dr. Wayne Dyer passed on.

And while it’s not a loss for Wayne– as I believe he’s really digging being able to hang out with God and ask all those questions he was always pondering;-)…

…it IS a huge loss for the “personal development” world as a whole.

Wayne Dyer has been a part of my life for over 20 years. His work has had a profound influence on me in so many ways. If for any reason you haven’t read his books or listened to his audio messages, I strongly encourage you to do so.

In the meantime, as a way of honoring Dr. Wayne Dyer, I wanted to share a few of my favorite quotes from him:

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