Secrets to Success from a Millionaire-Part 5

Today is the day we tie it all together. I’m about to unveil the final “A” in the C2A3 formula for getting what you want in life. But before I do, I’d like you to stop for just a moment and consider what I’m saying here. This is the precise formula you can use to…


For real. and it’s not just something I “dreamed up” last week. This is THE FORMULA that we have followed for OVER 20 YEARS.

To say IT WORKS is like saying Niagara Falls is a nice waterfall. 😉

I could spend the next several hours telling you story after story and giving you example after example of the “miracle-like” results we’ve seen from simply following THIS formula. And I’m not just talking about financial results (although this formula has created in the neighborhood of $100 MILLION).

I’m talking about EVERY AREA of your life. It works just as well in non-money related areas as it does financially.

So if you don’t ALREADY have exactly what you want in life and you’ve been skimming these emails–you owe it to yourself to DEVOUR every word of what I’m sharing with you and then PUT IT INTO PRACTICE.

IMMEDIATELY! Like, don’t do another thing until you DO THIS. Frankly, there’s NOTHING more important or impactful you could do for yourself and your family’s future. Please understand, I have NO ulterior motives in sharing this with you–other than to HELP YOU.

I truly want to help you… CREATE THE LIFE YOU WANT.


End of story.

My point in saying this is I want you to see the VALUE in what we’re sharing so you’ll put it into practice because… IT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE.

OK, so let’s move on to the final “A” in the C2A3 Formula:

What I’ve shared with you so far…….(Please do not move forward until you have read and put these into practice)

C – Clarity

C – Commitment

A – Attention

A – Attitude

……. is 90% of the equation. And most people skip it entirely then wonder why everything is so hard and why life is such a struggle.

But this last “A” (the other 10%) is still critical to the process. Without it, you will NEVER see the results that you could. You’ll never benefit from the true power of this formula.

The final “A” is ACTION.  


Which means, it’s NOT about working hard day in and day out. It’s NOT about giving up your life to pursue making money. What you’ll discover (which will AMAZE YOU and seem more like a MIRACLE) is that once you’re operating from the C2A3 formula–where you have all the other pieces in place– that ACTION becomes EASY.

Show me a person who is burnt out, who is always hurried and seems totally frazzled most of the time and I’ll bet you dollars to donuts that this person produces VERY LITTLE of anything of great VALUE. They make themselves “feel valuable” by being “so busy” and having “so much to do”. But it’s not real.

Meaning, they’re NOT creating RESULTS that line up with WHAT THEY WANT. That’s what creates the FEELING of overwhelm, frustration, stress and generally feeling like there’s always way more to do than time to do it in. If you feel like that now, once you start living out of this formula, you’ll be shocked at how DIFFERENT life feels.I guarantee it.

Taking ACTION isn’t about being busy. It’s NOT about the hustle. It’s not even about doing things right.

It’s about DOING THE RIGHT THINGS. And you’ll only be able to determine what your “RIGHT THINGS” are when you have the other pieces of the formula in place.

Does that make sense?

When you’re doing THE RIGHT THINGS it FEELS GOOD. You have a huge sense of SATISFACTION. And instead of feeling burnt out and spent emotionally– you’ll feel ENERGIZED and EXCITED for what’s to come. That’s what taking RIGHT ACTION is all about.

THIS is the final step in the C2A3 formula– ACTION. Which means, it’s your next more. It’s time to start ACTING on the things that will move you CLOSER to what you’ve committed to having.

You can do it!



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