Do You Need A Brain Boost?

Have you seen the movie LIMITLESS? The main character, Bradley Cooper, discovers the power of a Nootropic drug (NZT-48). This miracle drug on Limitless gives him access to every neuron in his brain. After taking the pill, for the next 12 hours he has super human abilities and becomes the smartest man in the world.

Will you become the smartest person in the world? No, there is no pill that will turn your brain into a superhuman machine like in the movie (at least, not yet), but nootropics like Neuro Edge 60 can give you a mental boost that can improve your cognitive function. . Another term for Nootropics is “Smart Drugs”. These “Smart Drugs can enhance Laser Like Focus, Super Clarity & Memory. Aging people can benefit by using them to maintain cognitive function.

A new study suggests that jobs requiring intellectually challenging tasks may help preserve thinking skills and memory as workers age. Actually, my boss was correct!! For years I have balanced varied responsibilities and am always needing to learn and implement new skills. My boss told me years ago that keeping my brain active was a good thing. I have jokingly said I was some days on overload and ready to crash, but as I am around others in my age range who don’t work or they have jobs that are just repetitive actions, I do believe that my challenges have kept my brain more active and alert.

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