Why Should You Walk?

We know we need activity-exercise in our lives! But what kind of exercise? Most experts agree that we need Aerobic (Cardio), Strength,  Balance and Flexibility. Many people emphasize only one type of exercise—like Aerobic or Strength, but to stay strong and healthy, incorporate all four into your life.

In this Blog article, let’s discuss Aerobic, or Cardio, Exercise.  These could include, walking, running, swimming, biking, dancing – actually anything that will get your heart rate up and cause you to breathe harder. Even such activities as playing with your children or working in your yard could be part of your Aerobic activity. Web MD reports that walking can lower your risk of heart attacks and strokes. It is also good for those who have type 2 Diabetes. If you have Arthritis, walking strengthens your leg and core muscles. As your strengthened muscles do more of the work, your joints will hurt less. Walking is also a weight bearing exercise and those of us with osteopenia or osteoporosis need to consider walking to strengthen our bones.

Continue reading Why Should You Walk?

Would You Know If Someone Was Having A Stroke?

As I was scrolling through my Facebook feed today, I saw information shared by one of my friends on the signs of a stroke. Would I recognize the signs or know what to do if one of my friends or family was having a stroke? Would you?

I read the article, did a little more research and have compiled basic information we all need to know. Please read and share this information with everyone you know.

If you suspect someone is having a stroke act F.A.S.T.

 F – FACE DROOPING—Has the person’s face fallen on one side—ask the person to smile. Ask them to stick their tongue out—does it go to either side?

A – ARM WEAKNESS—Ask the person to raise both arms

S – SPEECH DIFFICULTY—Ask the person to repeat a simple sentence

T –  TIME TO CALL—If you see even one of these signs, call 911 immediately.

Continue reading Would You Know If Someone Was Having A Stroke?

Weight Loss Goals for 2018–Let’s Be Real!

Okay, let’s be REAL. We are not perfect! Starting a diet or exercise program and expecting perfection is a set-up for failure! I cannot tell you how many times I set up unrealistic goals and because I couldn’t be 100% perfect 24/7, I got discouraged and quit! We need to make lifestyle changes—ones we can live with!!

Here are some ways to achieve your new, realistic goals!!

Tell others your goal—make yourself accountable!! If possible get a buddy and support each other. At one time, I had a friend who went to the gym with me. On days I would have preferred to stay home, I got up and put on my exercise clothes….because my friend was waiting for me. I enjoyed exercising and working really hard because I had a friend who was doing the same!!

Make small changes—in your diet or in your exercise goals. Don’t get overwhelmed by trying to make too many changes all at once. Yes, staying on your food plan 7 days a week is best, but eating right 2 or 3 days a week is a start and much better than eating right 0 days. Exercising 1 or 2 days is certainly better than no exercise. Don’t set yourself up for failure by planning to exercise an hour 7 days a week!!

You won’t be perfect!! When you slip, forgive yourself and start over. Learn from those mistakes. If having Oreos in the house makes you crazy—and they call your name—don’t buy them. Bring in your favorite treats—but only ONE. Stop at the bakery and purchase ONE of your favorite pastries or cookies.

If you have a long term goal, break it up into smaller goals and reward yourself when you reach on of the goals.Love yourself!! Be good to yourself. Be thankful daily for your blessings.

Need some more healthy tips? Check out our blog articles, Shape Up In 2018!  and  Shape Up By Making Small Changes


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Shape Up In 2018!

One easy weight loss trick I learned years ago is to eat at least 5 fruits/vegetables in a day. Think about a typical day for you. Do you sometimes get to the end of a day and have included few, if any, fruits or vegetables in your diet? When I realize that is happening to me, I have to re-evaluate my eating habits. Adding at least 5 servings is a healthy thing to do and it fills me up…so hopefully I won’t eat so many of the empty calorie snacks.

Here are some great reasons to start eating more fruits and vegetables:

Continue reading Shape Up In 2018!

Shape Up By Making Small Changes


It’s that time of the year! About now we begin realizing we have gained some pounds because of all the eating we do between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Whether you need to lose 10 pounds, 25, 50 or more – it is time to start eating healthy and lose those pounds. Why do you want to lose weight? Is it for your appearance—so your clothes will fit comfortably again—or is it for your health?

Here are a few tips—and we will include more motivational tips in next week’s email:Incorporate strength and cardio training into your daily routine. You need both to tone muscles and rev up your metabolism. Do exercises to work your largest muscle (butt muscles—glutes) and your abs (for that flat belly). One thing that can derail your efforts is an injury so be sure to warm up before every exercise session. Use a tracker and you will tend to challenge yourself and increase your normal activity. I even have a tracker on my phone that measures steps taken in a day. Aim for 10,000 steps. Is that way more than you are now walking? Start where you are now and add 1000 steps. Challenge yourself and try to increase your goal each week.

Drink your water—some experts say to drink ½ of your body weight in ounces. If you weight 140—that will be 70 ounces of water a day. Did you know that many of us walk round in a state of dehydration most of the time? If you are increasing your physical activity, it is important to stay hydrated. And drink a glass of water before eating a meal—it really works!!

Continue reading Shape Up By Making Small Changes

Exhausted from Not Sleeping?

When is the last time you had a good night’s sleep and woke up refreshed? For some of us problems sleeping are an occasional things—for others it is almost every night. There are so many reasons we experience sleep problems, but the bottom line is that not getting enough restful sleep does more than leave you feeling tired and worn out…and sometimes a little grumpy!


Here are some important reasons you must get sleep:

Driving without enough sleep can cause accidents. I recently started on a trip where I would be doing all the driving for two days. A few hours into the first day, I got so sleepy that nothing was working to wake me up. I tried running the air conditioner on really cold and blowing on me—playing lively music—stopping for food and walking around. Nothing was working!! Thankfully I had the good sense to pull into a rest stop just to rest for 15 minutes. I woke up 1 ¼ hours later.

Lake of sleep also causes more work related accidents and impairs attention, alertness, concentration, reasoning, and problem solving. It makes you more forgetful and can affect judgement.

Chronic sleep loss puts you at a great risk for many health problems such as heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke and diabetes. There are other studies that show those who sleep less than 6 hours a night are almost 30% more likely to be obese than those who sleep 7-9 hours.  Sleep loss seems to stimulate appetite!! (Web MD). From personal experience, I know the nights I struggle to sleep are nights I snack more often…and not necessarily on the good, healthy foods I should be eating!

If you are convinced that you are having problems with sleeping—whether it is every night or occasionally—it might be time to consider a natural supplement like Perfect Sleep. Perfect Sleep by UltaLife is the natural sleep aid you can count on to deliver a full night’s sleep WITHOUT the waking up in a fog or groggy. You’ll fall asleep fast, stay asleep and when it’s time to get up, you won’t feel like a zombie, you’ll wake up refreshed, clear headed, focused and ready to start your day. Plus, you won’t have bad dreams or night terrors like many experience with sleeping pills or even benadryl.

CLICK HERE to read more about Perfect Sleep, One bottle will give you enough for 60 nights of good, restful sleep.

Nourishing Your Body, Mind & Spirit.

Are you an UltaLifer? Learn about the many supplements designed to make you stronger and healthier!

Click Here to check out all of our great products


Christmas Gifts That Won’t Break The Budget

Christmas shopping—deciding what is gift is right (and in your price range) for each person—is a task that can bring on stress for all of us. You don’t want to be paying for 2017 Christmas way into 2018!!

What can I get for Uncle Johnny? Socks, tie, cologne, pajamas? Oops, those are the things I got him the last few years. BUT I don’t want to buy him useless things either.

Let’s share some items that are thoughtful, useful and reasonable in cost, yet Uncle Johnny, Grandma or Grandpa, your neighbor, etc. will know you thought about them when they receive your gift.

Gift packages that you make up yourself—like Movie Night for a family (with a DVD, Microwave Popcorn and other goodies for sharing during the movie). For someone who loves to read-how about a special book with a small light for reading in bed—or add a soft throw for keeping warm? How about a teenage girl? Nail polish, a good nail file and buffer. For the cook–fill a mason jar with kitchen gadgets like measuring cups, measuring spoons, recipe cards, etc. And for those of us with cold feet in the winter–how about some soft, cozy socks and scented lotion?

A Gift package for that special man or woman –How about special shampoos and conditioners or hair care styling products—include one of those absorbent towels for drying hair, combs, brushes, hair accessories). CLICK HERE to see UltaLife’s Beaux Noggins Luxury Hair Care assortment  ((HINT** Apply this Coupon Code – HAIRGIFT – to any Beaux Noggins purchase and receive 30% off)


How about something you make yourself? Everyone will appreciate and love a homemade goodie. Package it in a pretty, reusable container, add a bow and your recipient will be delighted. I can tell you the things I have made and given many times in the past—and they are often requested when I say—’What do you want for Christmas?’

Here are my suggestions with the recipes!! They are all easy to make and will be so appreciated.

Cranberry Relish




Molasses Cookies



Milk Dud Cookies




Homemade Brownies



How about something for the special man with a beard? UltaLife offers 3 Beard Oils—and your man will love the label!! SEXY BEAST. One beard oil would make a great stocking stuffer—purchase all three and you have a great gift. Choose between Unscented, The Boss and Vintage—or get all three! (Hint** when you purchase our Beard Oils in Amazon, click on the Holiday Promotion and you will receive 20% off). Click Here  for Sexy Beast.

Here is a special deal for you!! Buy all three Beard Oils and use this code in Amazon 25BRDOIL for a 25% discount!

How about you? You are special and you need to take care of yourself. Check out our whole line of Supplements—after all this time of year is stressful. Health is happiness. Take care of yourself.

CLICK HERE to see all UltaLife supplements —two I would recommend especially at this time of year are:

Perfect Sleep – are you getting enough good, restful sleep at night—are you tired and worn out every day? Do you have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep? (HINT**: Click on Holiday Promotion in Amazon to save 20% on Perfect Sleep)
Perfect Sleep 



Calmer-Feeling anxious & worried?  Anxious? (HINT** check out the promotions in Amazon—Holiday Promotion is 20% off Calmer—Introductory Special is 30% off Calmer)  CALMER   




Christmas should be a time of joy and blessings—not stress and overspending!!



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Family Recipes: Cranberry Relish

You will never buy a can of Cranberry Sauce after your make this Cranberry Relish. It is perfect during the holidays with ham and turkey….actually if is good with any meals.

It contains wonderful, fresh ingredients—cranberries, oranges, apples, pineapple and nuts. Make it today and enjoy for Thanksgiving and Christmas and…..!

Cranberry Relish

1 package whole cranberries, raw

2 apples, unpeeled

2 oranges, unpeeled

1 small can crushed pineapple

1 cup chopped nuts

2 – 2 3/4 cups sugar (start with just 2 cups)

1 teaspoon red food coloring

Continue reading Family Recipes: Cranberry Relish

Family Recipes: Jackie’s Chicken Chili

When I find a great new recipe, I love to share it with our friends. This recipe for Chicken Chili came from my friend’s daughter, Jackie. Since it was shared with me, I have made it numerous times.

I love soups and stews anytime of the year, but especially in the fall and winter. This is one recipe you will love. It is SUPER EASY to make and cooks in the crockpot all day. Perfect for busy days when you still want to server your family a filling, nutritious meal.




Jackie’s Chicken Chili

2 or 3 boneless chicken breasts
15 oz can cannellini beans (drained)
15 oz can black beans (rinsed and drained)
15 oz can corn (drained)
15 oz can chili beans (do not drain)
28 oz can diced tomatoes
8 oz tomato sauce
1 large onion, diced
1 chili seasoning packet (or taco seasoning packet)
1-2 teaspoons chili powder
1 teaspoon cumin
Salt and Pepper to taste

Place chicken breasts in crockpot




Combine other ingredients and pour over chicken




Cook on low 8-10 hours. Remove chicken and shred with 2 forks. Add shredded chicken back to chili .



Serve in bowls topped with sour cream or cheese.

Try it soon! It will be perfect (and to enjoy) to make in these next months that are so busy. Your family will think you worked for a long time preparing this delicious chili for them.

See all of our Family Recipes by going to blog.UltaLife.com. Then do a search for RECIPES.

Here At UltaLife We Believe in ULTIMATE Living-

Nourishing Your Body, Mind & Spirit.

Are you an UltaLifer? Learn about the many supplements designed to make you stronger and healthier!

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Family Recipes: Milk Dud Cookies

Don’t expect to stay on a diet when you make these cookies. They are addictive. One of the best peanut butter cookie recipes I ever made….and it has a surprise in the middle.  Form the dough around a milk dud that melts inside the cookie as it bakes.

It makes up to 8 dozen cookies—but I make my cookies a little bigger so usually get around 5 – 6 dozen. The house smells so good as they bake and my husband cannot wait to test them for me!! He says he wouldn’t want me to give anyone cookies that were not good. What a guy!!

Keep in mind that they dough needs to chill at least 1 hour before you form and bake the cookies.



1 ½ cups butter flavored shortening

1 ½ cups peanut butter (do not use reduced fat peanut butter)

2 cups sugar (DIVIDED)

1 ½ cups brown sugar, packed

4 eggs

3 ¾ cups all purpose flour

2 teaspoons baking soda

1 ½ teaspoons baking powder

¾ teaspoon salt

1 package milk duds (10 ounces)

Cream shortening, peanut butter, 1 ½ cups sugar and brown sugar until light and fluffy. Add in eggs, one at a time, beating after each addition. Combine all dry ingredients and gradually add to creamed mixture. Chill for at least one hour.

Shape 4 teaspoons of dough around a milk dud (I just use a heaping tablespoon). Be sure milk dud is completely covered. Roll balls in remaining ½ cup sugar.


Place 2 inches a part on ungreased baking sheets (even better—line with parchment paper and cleanup of pans will be easy). Bake at 350 for 10 – 12  minutes or until set. Cool for 5 minutes and then remove to wire racks.


I think you can see how yummy these cookies look—now you just have to smell them baking and taste them!

See all of our Family Recipes by going to blog.UltaLife.com. Then do a search for RECIPES.


Here At UltaLife We Believe in ULTIMATE Living-

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