Imagine that you had won the following *PRIZE* in a contest:

 Each morning your bank would deposit $86,400 in your private account for your use. However, this prize has Rules:

The set of Rules:
1. Everything that you didn’t spend during each day would be taken away from you.
2. You may not simply transfer money into some other account.
3. You may only spend It.
4. Each morning upon awakening, the bank opens your account with    another $86,400 for that day.
5. The bank can end the game without warning; at any time, it can say, “Game Over!” It can close the account, and you will not receive a new one.

What would you personally do?



Why is this such a critical question? Because you can’t have what you want if
you don’t know what you want.

what-do-you-wantMost people don’t have a clue. The best they can do is say what they don’t want… what they’re “sick and tired” of… but not what they crave. Kids can tell you all day long. Just ask…or don’t ask… they’ll tell you anyway. 😉

But adults, that’s a whole other story. Tragic really. It’s like a line of starving people at an “all you can eat” buffet. Anything and everything you could ever want is available to you in unlimited, inexhaustible supply yet most people live like there’s never enough of anything.

So how about you? What do you want… REALLY want? Do you know?

Continue reading WHAT DO YOU WANT?

No More Complaining and See Your Life Change!

A CHALLENGE—but one that will bring about incredible changes in your life! Learn to live a life of positivity!! We are asking you to do this for 30 days—don’t give up and stop after the first few days. Do it for 30 days and see the changes in your whole life.

For the duration of this Challenge (and hopefully ever after) you’re going to give up ALL criticism, complaining and critical comments.

Each time you catch yourself making a critical comment or complaint (which is probably more often than you realize right now)…STOP and REPLACE that  criticism with something GOOD.


Continue reading No More Complaining and See Your Life Change!

Can You Be Positive In A World Full Of Negativity?

One day about many years ago, we were working and listening to a recording of Dr Norman Vincent Peale. My mind was more on the work I was doing until a simple statement grabbed my attention. Please know that these are probably not Dr Peale’s exact words, but this is the thought I have remembered since then.

‘Fill your mind to the overflowing with good.’

This has made a huge impact on me. As I thought about this simple statement, I began thinking about all the negativity we are bombarded with daily.  We are faced with personal. family and relationship challenges all the time. If I see a problem, I immediately want to fix it and move on. Some things cannot be fixed so easily or quickly.

Continue reading Can You Be Positive In A World Full Of Negativity?


GRATITUDE—being Thankful-It is one of life’s greatest secrets. It’s like a magic key that opens the doors to all the good stuff in life.


Gratitude can fix almost everything. When we live in a state of GRATITUDE we open ourselves up to receiving an influx of love, joy, peace, health, happiness, wealth and abundance into our lives.

Continue reading A HEART OF GRATITUDE

Prostate Problems? We Have a Solution!

Many men avoid regular exams with their doctors (are you one of them??), but regular exams and blood tests are essential in maintaining your BEST HEALTH. In both men and women, as we age, there are things to watch out for and things we can do to maintain good health. We all want to stay vital and keep up our regular schedules, but health problems certainly can interfere. So definitely start with a regular exam with your doctor.

For men, the Prostate can become troublesome for several reasons. In this article we will talk mostly about an enlarged prostate. Young men have a prostate about the size of a walnut, but the prostate grows slowly with age. If it becomes too large, that is when the problems begin.

Continue reading Prostate Problems? We Have a Solution!


ZZZZZZZZZZZ………. Do you ever go through nights and nights of tossing and turning—of waking multiple times and not being able to go back to sleep? Different situations can contribute to us not getting an adequate amount of sleep to maintain our bodies. Chronic problems with sleeping can interfere with our ability to function in our daily lives and can eventually lead to health problems. Recent studies have shown a link between not getting adequate sleep and obesity, heart problems, hypertension, etc.

Some ladies experience sleeplessness during peri-menopause or menopause. Stress and anxiety can be another contributing factor is sleep problems. Anyone have stress in your life? (I see all hands are raised). And then twice a year, they either move the clocks forward or backward an hour!! In some cases, this can setup poor sleeping habits that can continue for years.

Always consult your health care professional if you have any health problems or have any concerns about taking a sleep aid. Then if you don’t want to take a prescription drug and you do want a good night’s sleep. ULtaLife has a solution for you in our UltaMind Perfect PM. It is safe to use, non-habit forming and is an all natural herbal formula that will not cause next morning grogginess.

Perfect PM is the BEST Natural Sleep Aid with Melatonin & Valerian Root, Calcium & Magnesium for Your Perfect Night’s Sleep–just one (1) capsule will relax you immediately, enhance restful sleep all night long and help you wake up refreshed. Every bottle contains 60 Good Night’s Sleep.

Here is what we want you to do or not do:

Don’t do things like watching tv, playing video games, etc in bed.
Don’t drink caffeinated beverages at night
Don’t exercise or eat a large meal in the evening
DO take your UltaMind Perfect PM

And–when you purchase your Perfect PM, check out the BONUS!!

BONUS OFFER–FREE: Experience the relaxing sounds of “MaxxiMind” Audi-Neuro Technology with every bottle purchase. Melts stress in minutes while bringing an oasis of calm tranquility that will surround you with waves of relaxation and enhance your sleep. When you receive your bottle of Perfect PM, look on the label under the Supplement Facts to find the link for this bonus.

CLICK HERE to see UltaMind Perfect PM in Amazon. Your first purchase will give you 60 Nights of GOOD SLEEP!


Doctors Call It a Miracle Spice–You Might Also

We experience pain at all ages. It is a fact of life— but as we age, we begin to feels aches and pains we never felt in our youth. I remember my parents joking about Arthur being their best friend—ARTHRITIS!! We don’t just have to accept these aches and pains and let them interfere with our active lives. Pain limits our activities! Chronic pain from inflammation is no fun and can even change a positive outlook on life to one of defeat.

Researchers have found the Curcumin, a substance in Turmeric, may help to reduce inflammation and pain. Because so many ailments that cause pain result from inflammation, Turmeric Curcumin would be a great alternative to over-the-counter and prescription drugs. Wouldn’t it be worth trying Turmeric Curcumin for 30 days to possibly avoid other medicines which can have many negative side effects? And an added benefit is that Turmeric Curcumin has many other positive benefits such as:

*Supports Anti Aging
*Supports Joint Health
*Rich Antioxidant Formula
*Promotes Cardiovascular Health

We are happy to announce that our Turmeric Curcumin now has been enhanced with BioPerine, the black pepper extract that helps with digestion and better absorption.

Are you worth 30 days? With any natural supplement, it can take 30 days to experience the best benefits…so try our new UltaLife Turmeric Curcumin with BioPerine for 30 days to make a positive change for you.

Check out all our UltaLife Supplements at or by visiting our Amazon store at

CLICK HERE to place your order for UltaLife Turmeric Curcumin with BioPerine or
to read more about this amazing supplement.


Bad Mood Buster Burns Fat

WHAT IS 5-HTP? 5 HTP is a natural mood enhancer that helps you naturally feel good. 5 HTP is a building block of serotonin, the “feel good” neurotransmitter that regulates our moods, sleep cycles and even how we respond to pain. 5 HTP is an amino acid derived from the seeds of the African plant Griffonia Simplicifolia which naturally helps regulate mood swings, ease anxiety & stress, improves sleep patterns, helps emotional eating and many find it helps to ease painful headaches and fibromyalgia, too. UltaLife’s 5-HTP Formula is a your all-natural, non-habit forming bad mood buster that’s safe and effective for daily use.

I used to think 5 HTP was used just for weight control until I began doing some research and even reading reviews for UltaLIfe’s 5 HTP. WOW! It is so much more than just a weight control supplement. The Amazon Reviews are fantastic. 5 STARS is the highest rating. The average for our 5 HTP is 4.7!! Can’t get much better than that! Check it out for yourself!!
“5-HTP works in the brain and central nervous system by increasing the production of the chemical serotonin. Serotonin can affect sleep, appetite, temperature, sexual behavior, and pain sensation. Since 5-HTP increases the synthesis of serotonin, it is used for several diseases where serotonin is believed to play an important role including depression, insomnia, obesity, and many other conditions.” –WEB MD

The biggest thing that grabbed my attention was the connection between sleeplessness and weight gain. I have been reading about that for months! People who have problems sleeping also tend to battle weight gain. So if 5 HTP helped you sleep better (and even control your weight), it would be SO WORTH IT to try this supplement.

My friend told me she cannot understand people who say when they get sick, they don’t want to eat—or when they are stressed, they just cannot eat!! Most of us eat when we are well or sick…happy or stressed. But we want to control our over-eating…our desire to eat whether we are hungry or not. We just need some help—a crutch to support us—we just need 5 HTP!

LOSE WEIGHT AND LOOK AS GOOD AS YOU’LL FEEL: 5-HTP is a natural appetite suppressant that also helps to control cravings, binge eating or emotional eating so you can lose weight. Plus, when YOU FEEL GOOD, weight loss is much easier because you have energy, you don’t feel fatigued, you’re not dealing with mood swings and you sleep better.

Remember to take as directed—for the full 30 days!! Don’t give up after a week or two. Natural supplements can take longer to build up in your system so always give them a full 30 days!!

Learn more about 5 HTP and all of our UltaLife products by going to or by visiting our Amazon store at

CLICK HERE to read more about 5 HTP

Experience Greater Happiness by Slowing Down the Speed of Life

In today’s fast-paced society, you either adapt to the speed in which others live or get out of the way. For most, this means filling your schedule from morning, noon, and night with a frenzy of activity. Your To Do List increases in length at any given moment, leaving you feeling tired, confused, and depressed. It’s not the best approach to life by any means but it’s all you know.

If you’re caught up in the busyness of day-to-day living, it’s time to ask yourself what you’re trying to accomplish. If you’re spinning your wheels to avoid feeling bored, ask yourself what you’d do with a few extra hours each day. What could you do to give your life a greater feeling of satisfaction?

By slowing down and making time for the things that really matter in life, you gain a better sense of self and accomplishment. You feel less stress and more joy. If you’re the type of person who overcommits and runs from one appointment to the next with reckless abandon, it’s time to think about how that affects your health and overall well-being.

Stress can be avoided by making time to take care of yourself. That means giving yourself adequate time to rest and relax. It may mean giving up one or two activities a week but it ensures that you’ll be happier and healthier because of your decision.

One of the ways you can prevent yourself from feeling rundown is to include a spirulina supplement as part of your daily routine. Packed with powerful antioxidants, this superfood is one rich with vitamins, minerals, and even protein. If you want to avoid the tired feeling you get from having too much to do, make sure that you take the recommended serving amount while continuing to slow down the number of activities you take on in a given day.