Secrets to Success from a Millionaire-Step 4

Are you pumped up and ready to make this your best year ever? I have shared three steps in the C2A3 formula. It is IMPORTANT that you read and follow the first three steps before moving on.


Today we’re going to talk about the second “A”. Winston Churchill described it as, “A little thing that makes a BIG difference.”  He was talking about…

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Secrets to Success from a Millionaire-Step 3

I’m a journal fanatic–I collect them– and I LOVE the feeling of starting a FRESH NEW JOURNAL for a brand new year. It’s symbolic…looking at all the blank pages and realizing that I’m the one holding the pen.I write the script…I create the results. And I’m free to write any kind of script to create any kind of result that I really want. It is the same for you!

The problem is, most people don’t realize THEY are the ones holding the pen and writing the script.

Or even worse…

Continue reading Secrets to Success from a Millionaire-Step 3

Live Your Dreams in the New Year

Do you have GOALS and DREAMS? Have you achieved them? There is a song we sometimes sing in my church—‘Don’t Give Up On the Brink of a Miracle!’ And that is what I am saying to you also!! I have often wondered how many times we just give up….when success and fulfillment are just around the corner. Don’t Give Up….EVER!!

Continue reading Live Your Dreams in the New Year


Why is this such a critical question? Because you can’t have what you want if
you don’t know what you want.

what-do-you-wantMost people don’t have a clue. The best they can do is say what they don’t want… what they’re “sick and tired” of… but not what they crave. Kids can tell you all day long. Just ask…or don’t ask… they’ll tell you anyway. 😉

But adults, that’s a whole other story. Tragic really. It’s like a line of starving people at an “all you can eat” buffet. Anything and everything you could ever want is available to you in unlimited, inexhaustible supply yet most people live like there’s never enough of anything.

So how about you? What do you want… REALLY want? Do you know?

Continue reading WHAT DO YOU WANT?

Eating for the Holidays

The Christmas Season is especially difficult for those trying to diet—lose weight or even just maintain their weight. I used to start a diet thinking I had to deprive myself of good things…and to feel hungry all the time!!

Those kinds of diets usually fail. While you might lose a few pounds, you will tend to gain eat-methem back. No one can live in a constant state of hunger!! If you tell yourself you cannot have a certain food (like chocolate), guess what you will crave!! I have actually had chocolate call my name!!


I learned years ago that dieting is never a good idea. What you should do is make lifestyle changes. Modify your eating in ways you can continue. Don’t deprive yourself for 2 weeks and then go crazy eating after that!

Continue reading Eating for the Holidays

No More Complaining and See Your Life Change!

A CHALLENGE—but one that will bring about incredible changes in your life! Learn to live a life of positivity!! We are asking you to do this for 30 days—don’t give up and stop after the first few days. Do it for 30 days and see the changes in your whole life.

For the duration of this Challenge (and hopefully ever after) you’re going to give up ALL criticism, complaining and critical comments.

Each time you catch yourself making a critical comment or complaint (which is probably more often than you realize right now)…STOP and REPLACE that  criticism with something GOOD.


Continue reading No More Complaining and See Your Life Change!

IGNITE the Fire and UNLOCK the FAT!!

Losing weight!! Most of us attempt diets and sometimes we get results. Other times it seems we limit our intake and try to make healthy choices only to find the scales never budging. Discouragement can lead us to overeating AGAIN—we feel like there is no reason to continue with our diets if we are not going to see results.

Maybe you just need ‘something’ to work with your system as you continue healthy eating habits and exercising (you are doing some exercise, aren’t you?). That ‘something’ could be Ultalife IGNITE Fat Burner! We offer you a 60 day supply—and please remember you cannot take a supplement for a week or two and determine it does not work for you!! Be faithful both with your good eating habits, exercise and taking your UltaLife IGNITE Fat Burner.

Another great benefit of IGNITE Fat burner is that it increases your energy. When you have more energy, you will tend to do more physical things and for longer periods of time….and that is always a great combination for weight-loss.

UltaLIfe Ignite Fat Burner

It’s the diet pill you’ve been waiting for. Providing both men and women with ALL-NATURAL WEIGHT LOSS–even the tough areas are no match for this all over + belly fat burner. Ignite’s advanced thermogenic fat-burning formula contains a synergistic blend of 9 ingredients that will work with your body to unlock stored fat and optimize your body’s ability to melt away unwanted pounds. Ignite also contains an Energy & Focus Blend to kick up your energy and at the same time, deliver laser-like focus. Ignite’s ‘ENERGY & FOCUS BLEND’ delivers laser-focus & pure, clean energy that lasts 8 Hours with No Crash and No Jitters like other weight loss supplements. If taken twice daily, these ingredients can increase metabolism, turn up the heat on fat-burning and keep you focused and energized for up to 8 hours.

ULtaLife products have a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee – so what do you have to lose?? Only those unwanted pounds!!

Click Here and see more about UltaLife Ignite Fat Burner.


Highly Successful People Do These Five Things Each Morning

If you want to increase your success, you’ve got approach each day in a truly deliberate way. The most successful people in the world exercise habits that not only benefit them but also the people around them. If you’re not an early riser, give it a try for a week and put your new morning routine to the test. People will notice the pep in your step and want to know what you’re doing differently.

Here are five ways to start your day off on the right foot:

  1. Name five things that you’re grateful for. There’s a lot to be thankful about. Chances are, your list will surpass five things each day. That’s a great way to invite more success into your life. By appreciating what you have, you’ll see opportunities as they present themselves to you.
  2. Take time to stretch and move your body. Exercise, when done in even the smallest increments of time, benefit you mentally and physically. Find something you love to do and make it part of your daily routine. Walk your dog, take a dance class or start a yoga practice. You’ll start the day out feeling great.
  3. Drink a glass of water. A good tall glass of H2O has healing effects. It helps flush out impurities in the body and sends a signal to your kidneys to start working. A glass of water increases energy and fights fatigue, too.
  4. Eat a healthy breakfast. There is a reason why they say breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Skip it and you’re likely to be hungry, tired, and grumpy by lunchtime. Opt instead to eat something light, healthy, and filling so you can perform your best throughout the day.
  5. Take your vitamins and supplements. It doesn’t matter if it’s a multi-vitamin or Moringa that you take. You’ll want to make it a habit to reach for your vitamins and supplements before walking out the door. In addition to diet and exercise, the pills and capsules help you feel exceptionally good.

Plan your schedule out right by allowing yourself time to do the aforementioned five things each morning. You’ll start to gain a better perspective of the world around you and feel the healthiest, happiest, and mentally focused that you’ve felt in years. Best of all, it won’t require a lot of time out of your schedule to make it happen either.