Overwhelmed with Life?

You do everything you can to remain calm…and not get overwhelmed with LIFE!!stress-1

Do you ever feel like you will splinter apart into a thousand pieces?

This kind of stress WILL harm you and your health. Ultalife’s CALM-ER  can help you be in control—relieve the anxiety and stress so you can deal with your LIFE again!

We all experience stress at some time in our lives, but constant, daily stress is harmful. Do you feel like there are never enough hours in the day to do all that needs to be done—family and work responsibilities are never-ending…the bills—they are piling up?? Do you procrastinate doing a task because you just cannot get started?

We tend to build up coping strategies that sometime are self-defeating. Make these few simple changes in your life:

*Climb stairs, take a walk, get out your bicycle—exercise. When you are stressed, it is easy to grab candy, smoke a cigarette or drink more coffee.

*Don’t go for the highly refined comfort foods. If you eat too many empty calories and gain weight, your stress will just increase

*Be sure to get 7-8 hours of sleep every night

larger-stress-2*Don’t get overwhelmed by a huge task or goal. Break it down into one little task or goal and go for it!!

*Too much on your mind? Do something totally different. Listen to great music—do a word game—read a book—take up a new hobby

*Focus on today—right now!! Let go of thoughts and fears of the past and future.

Do everything you can do AND then consider tryng Ultalife’s new CALM-ER!


calmer*TOP Rated Natural Extended Release Formula *

UltaMind CALM*ER gives you the BEST Proprietary Blend of SAFE natural herbs for MAXIMUM RESULTS with just 2 veggie capsules a day.

TOP RATED FORMULA for Emotional Health using Rhodiola Extract, a Traditional Chinese Medicine for helping to reduce stressful living.

Also contains 3 popular herbal ingredients known to be effective in reducing anxiety–Ashwaghanda, St. John’s Wort & 5-HTP.

PROMOTES Cognitive Health, Supports Relaxed Mood, Helps in Calming Stress.

 Are you worth it? YES!!!Your family, friends, workmates, neighbors—the WORLD needs you to be at your BEST.

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