Open Your Gift!


Don’t you just love to see all the beautifully wrapped presents under the Christmas tree? Or how about the ones you receive for your birthday? Some people are masters at creating the most beautiful packages, aren’t they? When you see a gift, beautifully wrapped and decorated, does it benefit you? As long as it is sitting on a table or under the Christmas tree, you can’t derive any benefits or pleasure from it…other than maybe appreciating the wrappings.

The first thing you must do is to accept the gift. You can’t stop there!! You must open it to find out what is inside and then use the gift you have been given. As excited as I would get about getting a gift, I still can’t enjoy or appreciate it until I accept it, open it and use it. Larry knows that I love jewelry and you better believe I open my gifts and wear them right away (jewelry or clothes), spritz them (perfume), read them (books)…you get the idea. Those gifts don’t do me any good if I store them in the closet.

motivational-good-morning-quotes-rise-up-start-freshHow often are we given opportunities that we never open? If you wake up in the morning, that is a huge blessing!! What will you do with this ‘present’? You have 24 hours to squander or to make the most of.  Have your heard the phrase—“What You Think About, You Bring About”? Think on good things—on positive things—believe that your possibilities are endless…..because they are!

Open your gift today!!

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