Use My Mouthwash for What??

Next time you see your mouthwash on sale, you might want to pick up an extra bottle. Just be sure it is sugar free and alcohol based.

Growing up, mom had me use mouthwash for three things. Of course the first use was as a mouthwash. I also had to gargle with it before leaving the house if it was cold and flu season –I am not sure this was effective, but at least I had sweet smelling breath. The other use was as a treatment for dandruff. We would soak a cotton ball in mouthwash (listerene) and dab it on the scalp—wait a few minutes and then wash and condition as usual—and it worked!! Continue reading Use My Mouthwash for What??

Is There Any Relief For Arthritis?

If you have Arthritis, off course, always check with your doctor before starting any new medicines supplements or exercise programs. I believe your doctor just might encourage you to walk. As I get older, “Arthur” has come to visit me and I started recently haveing sciatic problems. In doing some online research, I found great information on Walking with Arthritis from the Mayo Clinic—and I thank them for providing these invaluable tips to all of us.

I think most of us become more immobile when we are in pain (because it hurts to move) and that might be the worst thing we can do. Don’t think of exercise or walking as an Olympic sport or think you have to spend grueling hours exercising. Just small changes can help with arthritis pain and stiffness. See our blog article on the lady who started out just walking in her house 4 times a day.

Mayo Clinic says:

Continue reading Is There Any Relief For Arthritis?

She Had Arthritis–Check Out What Her Doctor Told Her!

I had a conversation with a nurse today, who told me about one of her friends. This friend was very overweight, crippled with arthritis and had several other health problems. One day her doctor called her and asked her to come to his office that same day. She struggled to get out of bed and dressed. With her severe arthritis, hurrying was not an option. When she arrived, the doctor told her he had just been at a seminar and he thought he had the answer to her arthritis and problems walking—and something to help with other health problems also.

She was excited—wanted to know if it was an injection or a new medicine! Could she get started that same day? The doctor told her she must start walking every day—4 times a day. The woman was dismayed—she was expecting a magical cure. She had great difficulty just getting from her bed to the bathroom. The doctor said—that is fine. Just get someone to help you and walk a short distance inside your house 4 times a day and increase the distance just a little as you are able. The woman followed the doctor’s suggestion and it was slow progress—but progress!!

Today she is the picture of health—has lost weight—other health conditions improved—and she still walks 4 times a day—outside with her dog! My friend saw her recently and said she is beautiful and obviously very happy. She has even started her own business! Her dog seems to have an internal clock because he comes to her and barks 4 times a day for their walk.

We often think we must do big things to get fit and improve our health while just STARTING is the answer.

Keep watching for our blog posts. In a few days you will see an article on Walking With Arthritis that is based on info from Mayo Clinic and the Arthritis Foundation.


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Can Walking Really Make A Difference?

Walking is probably the easiest way to begin an exercise program. You don’t need to join a gym or buy fancy equipment—just a pair of good supportive shoes! It’s easy on your joints and can be done anytime of the day or night. You can walk outdoors….in a mall…on a treadmill in your house. I used to work in a dental office which had a big circular path through both sides of the office. At lunch time, when there were no patients, two of us would power walk around and around.

How much do you need to walk? 10,000 steps most days of the week is recommended—that is approximately 5 miles per day. You say you are just starting to exercise? First, check with your doctor. Then start out moderately—Rome wasn’t built in a day!!  If you can only do 2000 steps to begin, that is great. Keep on doing the 2000 steps and as you are able, add another 100 or 200 steps. Build gradually. Using a pedometer to count your steps is a good idea—and many phones have a health app that will count your steps.

How fast should you walk? It is generally recommended to walk about 3.0 miles per hour (or more) if you are able. 3.0 miles per hour would mean you would walk a mile in 20 minutes. Walk faster if your goal is to lose weight. Web MD recommends walking briskly a total of 300 minutes per week. If you walk 5 days of the week, that is one hour per day. Don’t get overwhelmed thinking you cannot possibly walk for an hour. Divide the time up into 2 or 3 sessions per day—and remember any walking is better than none!

Can you walk if you have back pain? Again, always consult your doctor and get his approval. Most doctors will recommend physical therapy for people with chronic lower back pain….and in some cases walking can be just as effective. You are not doing a marathon—just try to walk 20-40 minutes two or three times a week. Web MD

Walking is good for your overall health—can help you lose pounds—can help to keep you limber—can improve your mood—prevent or manage many health conditions such as heart, blood pressure and type 2 diabetes.—strengthen your bones and muscles. For those with osteopenia or osteoporosis, weight bearing exercise is recommended—walking is perfect for that!

Watch for our blog article next week on the many benefits of walking if you have arthritis


Nourishing Your Body, Mind & Spirit.

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