Secrets to Success from a Millionaire-Step 3

I’m a journal fanatic–I collect them– and I LOVE the feeling of starting a FRESH NEW JOURNAL for a brand new year. It’s symbolic…looking at all the blank pages and realizing that I’m the one holding the pen.I write the script…I create the results. And I’m free to write any kind of script to create any kind of result that I really want. It is the same for you!

The problem is, most people don’t realize THEY are the ones holding the pen and writing the script.

Or even worse…

They give the pen to OTHERS to hold and then they complain like heck with the life they’re living.

*Too much stress
*Too little time
*Not enough money
*Stressed to the hilt
*In debt to their eyeballs
*Jobs they hate
*Relationships that suck
*The list goes on and on.

Can you relate? I know I can. I’ve been there, done that and got the “t-shirt” to prove it.

And then I picked up the pen and started to live by DESIGN instead of by DEFAULT. Meaning, I discovered the C2A3 formula for creating what I want in life.

Does that mean life is perfect? No.

Stuff happens. We get disappointed, let down. We fail. We mess up. And some things truly ARE beyond our control. But I can tell you for certain that the difference between a life USING the C2A3 formula and one WITHOUT IT is NIGHT AND DAY.

I’ve already shared the first 2 “Cs”…




If you haven’t put these into play, STOP!! Read my blog articles for Step 1 and Step 2 because it’s absolutely CRITICAL that you have the first 2 locked in. Otherwise, you’ll be cheating yourself out of BIG RESULTS.

Here are links to Steps 1 and 2:

Step 1

Step 2

Now let’s move to the next part of the C2A3 Formula.

The first “A”.


I’m sure you’ve heard about the “Law of Attraction”. The basic idea is that “LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE”. But I believe there’s a step BEFORE the LOA that is even MORE important. And I believe it’s WHY the LOA doesn’t seem to work for some people– the way they WANT it to work.

This first “A” SOLVES that. It’s all about your ATTENTION. Your focus.


Where your ATTENTION goes, energy flows. What you FOCUS YOUR ATTENTION on makes a HUUUUUGE difference in your life.

I’m sure you can find lots of examples in your life to prove this is 100% true. Like, when you start out the day and you’re feeling RUSHED. Maybe you got up late—your alarm clock didn’t go off.

And it begins. You start to notice everything standing in your way of being on time.

*The kids
*The dog
*You spill toothpaste on your shirt
*Every traffic light is red
*You’re low on gas.

It could be any (or all) of these 😉 And the more you focus your attention on all the things going wrong– what’s keeping you from being on time– the more things show up to keep you from being on time.

That’s just ONE example.

A big one for me is clutter and messes. I’m a little (or a lot, depending on who you ask) on the OCD side. I’m a big believer in the old adage, “there’s a place for everything and everything in its place”.

When you’ve got 5 kids and a zoo of animals– being free of clutter and messes isn’t exactly the natural state of things. And if I’m not very careful where I’m placing my attention, I can spiral completely out of control in my head within a few minutes. I start to look around and everything I see is wrong– it’s a mess, there’s clutter everywhere, nothing is in its proper place, etc., etc.

Now keep in mind, I live on a 10 acre property in a 7,000 sq ft home that is absolutely beautiful. But if I choose to focus my attention on the wrong stuff (the mess and clutter) I can convince myself that I might as well be living in a cracker box.

I have to catch myself and stop that way of thinking—reminding myself how grateful I am for where I am and what I have.

It’s all about ATTENTION.

Now let’s flip the script for a minute and think about it in a positive way. Let’s think about Christmas Day.

Most people come out on Christmas morning with a smile. They are KIND to one another (wishing each other a Merry Christmas) and they don’t let the stuff they would normally be critical about, bother them.

Why? Because their ATTENTION and FOCUS is on what’s good. They are happy and kind and feel a warm and loving toward those they are with (or at least, that’s the way it should be).

What if every day could feel more like Christmas morning and less like the morning where you wake up already running behind?

The truth is, IT CAN. YOU GET TO DECIDE.

It’s all about where you focus your ATTENTION.

And when it comes to making the most of the C2A3 formula, where you focus your ATTENTION really matters. BIG TIME! You’ve got to be WATCH YOUR THINKING so that you are giving your ATTENTION to everything bringing you CLOSER to what you WANT (the first C) and NOT on what’s wrong, what isn’t working, what’s missing, etc.

Believe me when I tell you that learning to direct your ATTENTION in the right way is one of the most powerful skills you’ll ever cultivate. It’s like a SUPER-POWER! 🙂

Start being AWARE of what you’re focusing on and choose to give your ATTENTION to ONLY what you want MORE OF in your life. Period. No exceptions.

That’s the first “A” in the C2A3 formula.

Be sure to read Steps 1 and 2 and watch for Step 4—coming soon!!


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