Secrets to Success from a Millionaire-Step 1

I was being interviewed this week for some press related stuff and they were going over a list of my accomplishments over the last 20 years. Things like…

=> Being a serial Entrepreneur and building or partnering in building a series of startups from zero to as much as 8 figures in the first year.

=> Generating revenue from what seemed like thin air– as much as $500K in about 90 minutes of work with no paid advertising, JV partners or anything “outside” of my own stuff.

=> Launching projects from scratch to as much as 7 figures a month—with just a matter of months.

=> Generating millions of dollars without ever picking up the phone, speaking at events, having affiliates/JV partners, using social media or even doing webinars/ google hangouts, etc.

=> Creating a life and lifestyle by total design where I’ve never had a job and am free to live as I choose.

And a whole lot more, but you get the point. Essentially the list of “accomplishments” boiled down to my ability to generate gobs of money while practically being a recluse. 😉

It all sounded pretty amazing (almost unbelievable) when you see it all listed in one big write-up. I guess it sounded that way to the folks doing the interview because all of a sudden I felt a shift. The energy changed.

And in that moment it was clear that they were out to discover the “secret”. I mean, they REALLY wanted to know how I’ve been able to bring about the results they had on their list. It was like watching my dog go after a good bone. They were totally focused on getting the goods.

Ever since then I’ve been thinking about the “secret” to success. What it really takes to make it big and why most people simply don’t. And there were a few things I’d like to share with you– because as we approach this new year there’s no better time than to really get dialed in.

So I’ll share the first one and if you’re interested in me sharing more of this stuff-watch for more articles with more info on how to be successful.

I basically have a formula I’ve followed since 1996– the year I made my first million bucks. It was before I turned 25– which had been a goal of mine.

The formula is this:


The “C” stands for CLARITY.

CLARITY is by far the most important part of the equation. And most people NEVER get this one down–at least not where it actually counts. And by CLARITY I mean, a clear picture of WHAT YOU WANT. I don’t mean just a list of stuff you want to have, be or do. That’s great to have a list like that but what I’m talking about is an absolute definition.

The more CLEAR you are about what you want (REALLY want) the easier it is to make happen. No matter how HUGE your “want” might be. If you are CLEAR ENOUGH on it, you can find a way to bring it into being.

I could spend the next 3 hours sharing story after story about how this has been true for me and people I’ve shared it with. Some of it is so outrageous you’d think I was full of it (and I’d agree if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes).

It almost seems like magic– it still BLOWS ME AWAY when I stop and really think about it.

Now, obviously there’s more to it than just getting crystal CLEAR on what you want– but honestly, it’s the hardest part. Everything else is smooth sailing from there.

So what about you? Do you know what you want? I mean REALLY WANT?

And not in an abstract like sense, I’m talking a crystal “clear as a picture” type definition of what you want. Can you “see it” in your mind’s eye?

Can you hear it, touch it, taste it– meaning, can you FULLY EXPERIENCE what having, doing or being whatever it is you’re after is really like? To the point where you’re almost surprised to open your eyes and discover it hasn’t happened yet?

If you don’t have this level of CLARITY, you’ll have trouble ever getting it…which means all your time, effort, money and energy is being wasted.

Ultimately, you’ll want to do this in every area of your life or for anything worthwhile that you want to have, do and become. By using this formula you can rapidly speed up all the good stuff in your life because you’ll be operating by DESIGN instead of by DEFAULT. Believe me, there’s a BIG difference.

And making this shift unleashes tidal waves of amazing, miracle-like results.  It’s a RADICAL difference.

So you WILL want to practice C2A3 in EVERY area of your life. But for now, I’d challenge you to:



And develop a CRYSTAL CLEAR vision and definition of exactly what you want. Do it with as much detail, precision and feeling as you possibly can.

That’s step 1 of the C2A3 formula for having what you want in life.

DON’T skip this step–grab a pen and paper, get quiet and begin working on ONE THING you can create ABSOLUTE CLARITY AROUND.


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