Why is this such a critical question? Because you can’t have what you want if
you don’t know what you want.

what-do-you-wantMost people don’t have a clue. The best they can do is say what they don’t want… what they’re “sick and tired” of… but not what they crave. Kids can tell you all day long. Just ask…or don’t ask… they’ll tell you anyway. 😉

But adults, that’s a whole other story. Tragic really. It’s like a line of starving people at an “all you can eat” buffet. Anything and everything you could ever want is available to you in unlimited, inexhaustible supply yet most people live like there’s never enough of anything.

So how about you? What do you want… REALLY want? Do you know?

Only YOU can answer this question.

If you want something more in life than you’re getting right now you MUST do whatever it takes to get crystal clear on this answer. I’m talking a razor sharp image of exactly what you want.

And not just money… EVERYTHING.

It’s important that you get a clear picture of what you REALLY WANT in every area of your life…

==> Financial

==> Lifestyle

==> Relationships

==> Health

==> Spiritual

==> Contribution (Giving Back)


For now, you can pick ONE THING that you really want to focus. One thing…one outcome (big or small) in one area of your life. By focusing on ONE THING first, you’ll be able to prove to yourself that this process WORKS!

But ultimately you don’t want to stop there.

Eventually, (sooner than later) you want to take the time to figure out WHO you want to be, HOW you want to live and WHAT you want to have, do and give. The CLEARER you become on these things, the faster and easier they will show up in your life.

If I could only give you ONE “secret to success” it would be to get absolutely clear on what you want and hold that vision above all else.

Because until you’re absolutely, positively crystal clear on WHAT you want and WHY you want it–you’ll find that everything you DO to create results will be a struggle with very little to show for it in the end.

And that’s because success happens from the INSIDE OUT.

It’s NOT about hard work or getting in the right program or knowing the right people… REAL success, REAL transformation happens when you get CLEAR on exactly what you WANT and you totally embrace it with every fiber of your being.

It’s more about “allowing” than it is “achieving”.

That’s not to say there won’t be stuff to “do” but it’s far easier to get what you want (WHATEVER that is) by BECOMING the person who can fully accept that desire as your reality rather than trying to DO stuff to MAKE it happen.

Again, it’s all about understanding that creation (the stuff you want) happens from the INSIDE out.

It’s the difference of POWER vs. FORCE.

People procrastinate or set goals and resolutions then totally fail because they’re trying to make it happen through FORCE. They’re trying to create a result through discipline or will power (aka: force).

Once again, they’re approaching life from the OUTSIDE in. That’s the HARD way. And most of the time (9 times out of 10) it flat out doesn’t work.

But when you approach change from the INSIDE out you’re using your POWER.

Which means you don’t focus on the “HOW” nearly as much as the “WHAT”. Get a CLEAR PICTURE of WHAT it is you want to experience and live there. Meaning, once you know WHAT you want the next step is to step into that life AS IF it already existed.

See, you need to be far more concerned with BECOMING what it is you want than trying to DO stuff to make it happen. I could spend the next several hours explaining the REASON behind all this and how one (power) uses your subconscious mind and the other (force) uses your conscious mind.

I’m going to simply ask you to ACCEPT these facts…

==> EVERYTHING you create in your life happens from the INSIDE out.

==> In order to have what you WANT you must KNOW what you want and

==> Spend as much of your time, effort, energy and emotion stepping into that “picture/vision” and living from that vantage point “as if” it already existed.

That 90% of the equation for turning ANY dream into REALITY.

Action Step: Go buy yourself a journal or notebook, go somewhere quiet and figure out journalwhat you REALLY WANT. Write it down in as much detail as you can. Pretend you’re describing the scene to a friend (like when you come back from vacation or seeing/doing something really cool and you want to share the experience with someone). Step into that life and describe what it looks like, feels like, sounds like, etc. Take your time.

Don’t rush. And feel free to come back to this and add more details as time goes on.


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