You want me to eat FATS? Really? In all my years of dieting, I thought I was to avoid fats in order to lose weight? I thought I had to avoid fats to protect my heart and keep my cholesterol down. And now you want me to eat fats?
From my research, the key is knowing which fats are good for us. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s 2005 Dietary Guidelines tell us to get around 10% of our daily calories from fats. The HEALTHY FATS- unsaturated fats which include polyunsaturated fatty acids and monounsaturated fats. Both mono- and polyunsaturated fats. Healthy fats are not packaged processed foods, fried foods, cakes, cookies, etc. which contain saturated or trans fats
So what are some of these Healthy Fats?
Avocados-high in calories but also high in fiber and good fats
Olive Oil-can help to lower blood pressure and risk of cardiovascular disease
Salmon-rich in Omega 3-high in protein
Eggs-we used to eat the egg white and avoid yoks. Now we are told yoks contain lots of nutrients and the cholesterol contained in yolks is not damaging to the heart.
Peanut and Almond Butters
Dark Chocolate—small amounts, please!
Can we eat all of these healthy foods we want? NO!!! Keep in mind that fat has 9 calories per gram—carbs and protein have 4 calories per gram. Moderation is the key. Just start now thinking of ways to include the healthy fats in your diet—and ways to replace some of the saturated or trans fats with healthier fats. Just keep in mind that our bodies need some FAT to function effectively–just the right kind of FATS.
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