Will An Apple A Day Keep The Doctor Away?

My husband was recently in the hospital and now that he is home, nurses come frequently to check on him. I have learned so much just from listening to them! You know the saying we have heard for years?

Did you know there have been several studies about the effectiveness of eating apples to control cholesterol levels? The University of Oxford reports in 2013 that “the 150 year old proverb, an apple a day keeps the doctor away, stands the test of time”. Their researchers concluded that eating an apple a day would prevent about 8500 deaths from heart attacks and strokes in adults over 50 (in the UK) in a year.

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Ten Minute Health Challenge

I am one of those people who try to do everything 100%. I have found that expecting myself to be nearly perfect is a task I can never achieve. What about you?

Let’s use exercise as an example. I read—and my cardiologist insists—that I should exercise 30 minutes most days of the week. That seems reasonable, doesn’t it?

Want my list of excuses? “I am overwhelmed by all I have to do and just don’t have the time”…”It’s too hot (or cold) outside to walk”…”It is boring to walk on the treadmill”….and I am sure you could add to my list.

The truth is that most days I am unable (or unwilling) to commit to the 30 minutes of exercise!! But wouldn’t 5 or 10 minutes be better than nothing?? Of course it would and maybe some days I could sneak in 10 minutes twice a day….and some days even get in the full 30 minutes!!

This is my challenge to me and to you. Every day work in some exercise. Don’t be defeated and do nothing if you don’t have time for a full 30 minutes of exercise.

Let’s commit to at least 10 minutes daily. You can do it…and so can I!!


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Are You Taking Care Of Your Heart?

Want to lower your cholesterol and enhance your heart health? My cholesterol always ran slightly higher than normal, but my doctor was not concerned…until my heart attack.

This is based on my personal experience with Cholesterol Prescription Drugs!! Do they work? Absolutely….but at what cost? There are so many side effects from the prescription cholesterol drugs–statins!!

Mayo Clinic reports about statins  that  “they have been linked to muscle pain, digestive problems and mental fuzziness in some people and may rarely cause liver damage.” Mayo Clinic also says if you are currently on a statin (Cholesterol Drug), do not stop taking it without consulting your doctor.

Continue reading Are You Taking Care Of Your Heart?

Are You Getting Enough Water?

Water—how much do we need? Our body uses water in all its cells, organs and tissues. I am told that humans can live without food for several days or even weeks, but we can only live a few days without water.

I am not a big water drinker so I checked several sources trying to determine how much water I need and how to get it into my diet. I read that drinking enough fluids is crucial to staying healthy…to maintaining all the functions of our bodies. Also older adults (who might not sense thirst as much as younger people) need to be especially careful to stay hydrated in the summer!

I read another place that we need 30-50 ounces of fluids a day—our body size… how active we are—the heat factor….many things can contribute to determining how much we really need. But I was relieved to see that not all of this had to come from plain water.

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Penny Wise Pound Foolish

We have all heard the old British saying—“penny wise pound foolish”. This means we might focus on saving pennies that in the long run cost us larger amounts of money. We all want to save money, but don’t forget the larger picture.

Okay, I admit it!! I have been penny wise and pound foolish. My mother was very economical. She had to be!! My dad did not have a high paying job and for years she couldn’t work because my little brother was sick and his medicines were very expensive. My mother knew more ways to cook a pound of hamburger that were delicious than you could ever imagine.

I guess I learned from my mom and I shop for good sales and most of the time, I get great deals and save a lot of money, but sometimes my desire to be thrifty outweighs my better judgement. For instance, I might not purchase a favorite fruit or vegetable because it is expensive….but will turn around and buy candy or cookies or cake!! Those items are not good for me and if you figure the price per ounce, the cost can be quite expensive. I would have been better off with my favorite—watermelon—even though it was pretty pricey!

Continue reading Penny Wise Pound Foolish

Are You Sleep Deprived?

Are you sleep deprived? This is a more serious problem than just being tired the next day. Getting enough quality sleep can help protect your mental health, physical health, quality of life, and safety. The negative effects of being sleep deprived can accumulate over a period of time or can occur in a moment—such as having a car accident.

Here are just a few reasons you need to get enough sleep consistently.

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Older is BETTER

Are you concerned about getting old? I had a boss years ago who said getting older is not a big deal…and it is much better than the alternative (dying young). I know—he had lots of one-liners, but some, like this one, really imparted some wisdom.

As a younger person, I remember seeing people in their forties (and beyond) and for the most part, they looked like old people. Today, we take better care of ourselves and honestly, we look great!! We are still vibrant and we have gained wisdom which helps us to make better decisions. We are active and enjoying our lives. Many surveys show that as we get older we are also more content with our lives!

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Ladies Are Special Every Day!

This is a special time of the year when we honor mothers—shouldn’t we be doing that every day? I believe ladies (whether they are mothers are not) have special abilities to nurture, encourage and just care about their worlds (families, neighbors, friends……) and make a huge difference.

We are all aware that men and women have many differences and we celebrate those differences. I thought you might like to read a few fun facts I discovered about these differences—many we already know!!

Continue reading Ladies Are Special Every Day!

Little Changes to Shed Winter Weight

Last week we started on a journey…our journey to losing weight and getting our summer bodies! How are you doing? I made a few changes and any step towards achieving our goals is a positive one.

By the way, if you missed last week’s blog, you can get read about it by going to https://ultalife.co/blog/shed-winter-weight-now/

Continue reading Little Changes to Shed Winter Weight

Who Needs Omega 3?

Does everyone need an Omega 3 supplement? I will let you be the judge of that.

Here is my story—I have been health and weight conscious all my life. I had always maintained a reasonable (not perfect) weight–exercised regularly–ate healthy—never drank and never smoked. No one was more surprised that I was when I had a significant heart attack 8 years ago.

Following my hospital stay, my cardiologist put me on prescriptions that he said I would have to be on the rest of my life AND told me to always take Omega 3. In fact, my cardiologist has never had a heart problem and he takes Omega 3 regularly. He checks in every six months to be sure I am continuing to take my Omega 3.

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