I am one of those people who try to do everything 100%. I have found that expecting myself to be nearly perfect is a task I can never achieve. What about you?
Let’s use exercise as an example. I read—and my cardiologist insists—that I should exercise 30 minutes most days of the week. That seems reasonable, doesn’t it?
Want my list of excuses? “I am overwhelmed by all I have to do and just don’t have the time”…”It’s too hot (or cold) outside to walk”…”It is boring to walk on the treadmill”….and I am sure you could add to my list.
The truth is that most days I am unable (or unwilling) to commit to the 30 minutes of exercise!! But wouldn’t 5 or 10 minutes be better than nothing?? Of course it would and maybe some days I could sneak in 10 minutes twice a day….and some days even get in the full 30 minutes!!

This is my challenge to me and to you. Every day work in some exercise. Don’t be defeated and do nothing if you don’t have time for a full 30 minutes of exercise.
Let’s commit to at least 10 minutes daily. You can do it…and so can I!!
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