So Blessed


In dealing with day to day problems, it is easy to think about the problems-how to solve them—and just generally obsess about them. I am often reminded that no matter what I face, my BLESSINGS far outweigh my problems.

Today I had to find a new doctor’s office a little distance away so we went early to be sure we were not late. Thank goodness our i-pad directed us there 1 hour early and we had time for lunch. As we drove down a little access road from the doctor’s office to a couple of restaurants, we saw a lady sitting alone on a curb as we drove by. Coming back from the restaurant, we saw she had a sign

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How One Simple Word Can Change Your Life

Recently I was not even paying attention to my television, but the word ‘grateful’ caught my attention. Did you know that being grateful-(GRATITUDE)- can actually improve your health and help you to sleep better? I started doing a little research to be sure of what I had heard. It is said that prayers of gratitude—meditation and even passing thoughts can have a great impact on our lives.

Today I checked out an article on and found that:

*Gratitude improves your physical health. A 2012 study reports that people who are grateful have fewer aches and pains. This study also reported that grateful people take better care of their health (regular check-ups) and exercise more often—-all which contributes to better health.

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Choose JOY–EveryDay!

My bosses sent an email on Christmas Day with things to do for that day….BUT I think we would all be better off if we did these things EVERYDAY!! This is our challenge to you.

So for today, put down the stress of too much to do and too little time, forget about that growing stack of bills or the shrinking bank account and just BE PRESENT in the moment.

Find the JOY in THIS moment, wherever you are, whatever you’re doing…

Wrap yourself up in all the GOOD STUFF.

Continue reading Choose JOY–EveryDay!

Is Your Perception Hindering Your Future?

I don’t know about where you are–but it’s COLD here!

In fact, my day started off kind of funny. I tend to be a creature of habit as far as how I start my day. When I wake up, I make my way out to my office…which is separate building on our property… about 50 steps from my bedroom door.

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Simple Ways To Get Healthy

When we think about getting healthy, we encounter so many rules, restrictions and guidelines that we give up before we even get started. Getting healthy does not have to be such a big deal. Did you know that small tweaks and changes can bring about big results?

Here are a few things to consider. Pick one or two and begin today.

  1. Develop an attitude of gratitude. Look for the good in situations and be thankful for the good things in your life.
  2. Exercise daily. It does not have to be an hour—just do something. The fitness trackers are great because they are motivational. Many cell phones have apps that track steps and activity too.
  3. Get your sleep. Turn down the volume on your phone at night so that incoming messages do not wake you.
  4. Aim for 5 servings of fruit and vegetables daily.
  5. Limit trans and saturated fats—eat more of the healthy fats (see
  6. Learn to recognize REAL hunger—not head hunger. Eat only when you are truly stomach hungry and quit as soon as you feel satisfied—not stuffed!
  7. Make a list of all your meds and list any allergies. Keep a copy in your wallet and post one on your refrigerator.
  8. Consider adding natural supplements.

There are many reasons you might need to add a quality, natural supplement to your diet. The FDA says that nutrient levels have fallen 81% in the last 30 years. We can eat the exact foods our grandparents ate and be far below in nutritional value.

Meats—the meats we buy in our grocery stores come from animals fed a diet of grain and soy. They have been fattened quickly and unnaturally by hormones and are full of antibiotics.

How about our vegetables and fruits? Surely they are the same!! No, Michael Wald, MD says the soil itself has been over-harvested, meaning that over years of use and turnover of soil, it becomes depleted in nutrition. That means crops growing in depleted soil are also depleted in nutritional value. Vegetables and fruits grown decades ago were much richer in vitamins and minerals

Processed foods. For many of us, processed foods are the bulk of our diets. Think about how your grandmother used to serve meals. Chances are there was not one processed food on the table. Even the richer foods and desserts were made with quality ingredients and contained no fillers, preservatives, artificial sweeteners, synthetic trans fats, MSG or  artificial colors. ALWAYS read the food labels and for the most part, avoid processed foods.

We agree that we are not getting all the nutrients we need in our diets and we need to supplement our diets. Check out our entire line of UltaLife Supplements. UltaLife offers the best natural supplements available in the marketplace and gives you the most effective formulas for optimal results and ultimate living. Our supplements are made in the USA with GMP Seal and Manufactured in an FDA Inspected Facility and carry a 100% Customer Satisfaction Guarantee.

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Here At UltaLife We Believe in ULTIMATE Living-

Nourishing Your Body, Mind & Spirit.

Are you an UltaLifer? Learn about the many supplements designed to make you stronger and healthier!

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Count Your Blessings

We have just been through a stressful week of watching a massive hurricane tear through the islands and head straight to Florida. We prepared all we could, but how do you ever really prepare? It Irma had hit our area of Florida at a Category 4 or 5, it would have been devastating. Category 2 was more than enough. I prayed and tried not to panic as we waited and the winds were battering my home.

What did I learn from Hurricane Irma?

I learned the value of family texting me almost hourly to be sure we were okay. Of family researching and telling me where there were still gas stations with any gas (I didn’t even mind waiting in line 30-45 minutes to get gas). My family reached out with love and support from 900 miles away and I felt that love. It gave me strength and encouragement.

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Having A Bad Day?

I received this email from a friend yesterday—right at a time when life has not been easy. My husband has spent 13 days in the hospital—is home but still far from being well. As each new, discouraging report has come in, I have had to fight defeat…and tears!! I think God knew I needed to be encouraged and reminded to be thankful for my blessings. I hope this message will also bless you.

A famous writer was in his study. He picked up his pen and began writing: “Last year, my gallbladder was removed. I was stuck in bed due to this surgery for a long time.

The same year I reached the age of 60 and had to give up my favorite job. I had spent 30 years of my life with this publishing company.

The same year I experienced the death of my father.

In the same year my son failed in his medical exam because he had a car accident. He had to stay in the hospital with a cast on his leg for several days. And, the destruction of the car was a second loss.”

His concluding statement: “Alas! It was such a bad year!!”

When the writer’s wife entered the room, she found her husband looking dejected, sad and lost in his thoughts.

She carefully and surreptitiously read what he had written, silently left the room and came back shortly with another piece of paper on which she had written her summary of the year’s events placing it beside her husband’s paper.

When her husband saw that she had written something in response to his account of the year’s events, he read:

Last year I finally got rid of my gallbladder which had given me many years of pain.

I turned 60 with sound health and retired from my job. Now I can utilize my time to write better and with more focus and peace.

The same year my father, at the age of 95 without depending on anyone and without any critical conditions, met his Creator.

The same year, God blessed my son with life. My car was destroyed, but my son was alive and without permanent disability.

At the end she wrote: “This year was an immense blessing and it passed well!!

The same incidents but different viewpoints . . . .

MORAL: In our daily lives we must see that it’s not happiness that makes us grateful, but gratefulness that makes us happy. There is always, always, always something to be thankful for.

ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING … And attitude is the one thing that we always, in every circumstance, have control over.

May we continue to see life’s blessings as we move forward on our life’s journey …even on difficult days


Here At UltaLife We Believe in ULTIMATE Living-

Nourishing Your Body, Mind & Spirit.

Are you an UltaLifer? Learn about the many supplements designed to make you stronger and healthier!

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Do You Need A Friend Today?

Did you ever have one of THOSE Days? You know what I mean? I have just had a succession of THOSE Days. I went to my emails this morning and my good friend, Dave, had sent this email to me. it made my day – lifted my spirits- and I hope it will yours also.

Wonderful antidote to all the horrible stuff on the news.

I think this is the greatest and truest description I’ve ever heard for a friend…

 Friends … They love you, But they’re not your lover.

They care for you, But they’re not from your family.

They’re ready to share your pain, But they’re not your blood relation.

They are …. FRIENDS! !!!!

A True friend…
Scolds like a DAD…
Cares like a MOM…
Teases like a SISTER…
Irritates like a BROTHER…
And finally loves you more than a LOVER.


The  nicest place to be is in someone’s THOUGHTS!
The  safest place to be is in someone’s PRAYERS!
And  the best place to be is in GOD’S HANDS!

God bless you all!! Cherish and thank God for your friends.


Here At UltaLife We Believe in ULTIMATE Living-

Nourishing Your Body, Mind & Spirit.

Are you an UltaLifer? Learn about the many supplements designed to make you stronger and healthier!

Click Here to check out all of our great products.

Count Your Blessings!


We celebrate American Independence Day on the Fourth of July every year. We think of July 4, 1776, as a day that represents the Declaration of Independence and the birth of the United States of America as an independent nation.   On July 2nd, 1776, the Continental Congress voted in favor of independence, and two days later delegates from the 13 colonies adopted the Declaration of Independence, a historic document drafted by Thomas Jefferson.

From 1776 to the present day, July 4th has been celebrated as the birth of American independence, but did not become a federal holiday until 1941. Today we celebrate July 4th with many festivities ranging from parades to fireworks, cookouts and family gatherings.

Continue reading Count Your Blessings!

You Can Be A Victor

Life—it is not all a bed of roses!! Sometimes the thorns show up and create struggles in each of our lives. We all become victims from time to time of these ‘thorns’—discouragement, fear, guilt, mistreatment……Often we have no control over these ‘thorns’. What we can control is how we react and how we dwell on them.

Robert Silverstone has said:  ‘A universal law states that whatever we focus our attention on will tend to expand. If we are focused on finding the negative in a person or situation, especially in ourselves, those negatives will tend to expand and before long we find ourselves participating in victim consciousness, often without even being aware of it.’

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